14: Lady Whistledown

Start from the beginning

"Th-thanks", I stuttered and blushed. How long had he been watching me? I couldn't believe I didn't hear the door open, "you- you play volleyball?", I asked him.

You really need to stop asking dumb questions Zahra, he's wearing a freaking jersey, and he said he came to practice. What else could that have meant dummy?

"Yep, I'm part of the team", he replied and came closer, "my name's Hassan, Salam alaikum"

"Walaikum salam, I'm Zahra", I introduced myself, suddenly feeling the need to adjust my hijab.

He stopped in a few inches from me and I was finally able to get a good look at him. His hair was a dark brown, almost black and wavy, some strands falling over his forehead, and his eyes; they were a deep green, reminding me of a rainforest. There were light brown freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. I could also smell his cologne, it smelled like citrus, or was it lemongrass? He was almost as tall as Brian too. Cute, I thought to myself.

I must have been staring so openly because Hassan raised his brows slightly, a small smile graced his lips and my stomach did a little flip.

I quickly looked down before he thought I was a creep and stepped back, also reminding myself to lower my gaze, "well um, I'll let you practice", I said to him and turned to leave, "I just came to look at the court, nice meeting you"

"Wait", he called out.

My heart jumped as I turned back to look at him, okay what was wrong with me? Before he could say anything else the door burst open. A tall boy with golden brown skin and a curly afro marched in, he glared at Hassan, "dude, I told you to wait for me"

Hassan rolled his eyes, "you were taking forever, sorry I couldn't wait till you were done taking a dump", the sarcasm in his voice was clear as day.

"Ass", the guy retorted and flipped him the bird, then he finally realized that someone else was in the room. He turned to me and went a bit pale like he'd seen a ghost, his eyes widened in shock to my confusion, "who's this?", He asked while still staring at me.

"That's Zahra, the new girl"

Okay at this point I shouldn't be called the new girl anymore, I had been in the school for a little over a month now, I think the title of 'new kid' should have dropped already.

"This is Easton", Hassan introduced the guy, "he's my best friend, he plays too"

"Hi", I gave him a small wave.

Easton didn't reply, he just stared at me expressionless, then he grabbed the ball from Hassan's hands, "we're here to practice", he said in a flat tone, "leave, you'll distract us"

"What? Me?"

He gave me a cold stare, "who else would I be talking to?"


I know I just met him but I already had my conclusion.

Easton was an ass.

Hassan looked at him surprised, "hey what's wrong with you?", he smacked him on the shoulder, "I actually met her here making serves, and she's amazing, be nice"

My stomach did another funny flip at the compliment, and I felt my cheeks burn. Okay I was done here.

"It's okay", I spoke up, "I was leaving anyway, it was nice meeting you Hassan", I turned and left before either boy could say another word.

I got back to my class and sat down with a sigh, what an encounter. Easton's attitude towards me had me wondering how many more people disliked me in the school, I assumed it was only Valerie and her friends that hated me; obviously not. I wouldn't be surprised if those gay girls in the library ended up hating me too.

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