Wooyoung ~Depression~

Start from the beginning


"He's still asleep?"

"He hasn't woken up since he fell asleep on me in the van Hyung. I'm worried about him, he's really tired."

"You head to bed Sannie, I'll keep an eye on him." There was some shuffling around and then I felt the bed dip beside me. I could someone had laid down next to me and part of me wanted to cuddled up to them for comfort but the rest of me just couldn't be bothered moving.

"Are you still asleep Wooyoung," a soft voice asked. Am I? I can't really tell. It's like I'm drifting on the edge of sleep but not quite there. I tried my hardest to muster up some strength and try to reach out to him, but I don't think it worked very well. However, a few seconds later a hand slipped into mine and squeezed it gently.

"I've got you, you're ok." I felt something soft and gently brush against my cheek and it was only then that I realised I had begun to cry. I was tugged up and pulled over to lay against their side, my head resting on his chest.

"Hyungs got you baby. You can just rest and I'll be right here," he said. I let out a breath of relief, melting into Hongjoong's side and letting myself finally drift off fully.


"Wooyoung, time to wake up. We need to get ready for practice." I yawned and slipped my eyes open, lifting my head to see Hongjoong watching me. I was still cuddled up in his arms from when he came in the night before and it was comfortable.

"Come on, you need to get up. We have to be at practice in an hour," Hongjoong said. Practice? I don't really want to practice.

"Do I have to go today," I asked with a sigh. Hongjoong face scrunched up slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean do you have to go," he asked me.

"I just don't wanna go," I said with a shrug. He sat up quickly, pulling me up with him and wrapping an arm around my waist gently.

"You don't want to practice," Hongjoong asked me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Is it because of what choreographer-nim did yesterday? Because he won't be here today, it's mainly just a group practice before we have our performance tomorrow," he said.

"It's not because of him. I just don't want to practice," I shrugged.

"Um, ok. Can you give me a reason why you don't want to? Are you sick? Are you hurt," he asked me.

"No," I replied, shaking my head. Hongjoong seemed confused and unsure what to do and to be honest I'm not too sure myself.

"Why don't you come along to practice with us and if you aren't feeling up to it, you can just sit and watch. I don't want you to be forced to do something you aren't feeling up to, however we do have a performance tomorrow so I need you to be there," Hongjoong said slowly.

"I don't wanna go," I said shaking my head. His eyes darkened slightly and he frowned before he shook his head and relaxed again.

"I'm sorry that you're feeling like that Wooyoung-ah, but I still need you to come. If you gave me a good reason why, I would let you stay in a heartbeat, but I can't do anything if you're just deciding you don't want to practice. I'm still sticking to letting you just watch, but you need to be there Wooyoung," Hongjoong said. I don't want to go to practice, in fact I'd be content to just stay in bed and rest a bit more today but I can't do that to Hongjoong.

"Ok, I'll go," I said with a nod. Hongjoong smiled softly and brushed my hair back gently.

"Let's go have some breakfast," he said softly as he slipped out of the bed. Food? Ugh.

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