Chapter Nineteen : boy or girl?

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I heard the caravan door shut so I just laid down on his blankets in the back of the van, he's probably had sex on there but whatever I just took my keys out and I had a little torch keyring on them. I turned it on and started looking at the scan photos and I fell asleep, Till I heard the caravan door open and Eddie saying bye to everyone. "But babe I want to stay the night" rose said to Eddie in this baby voice that made me wanna launch myself off a cliff. "Sorry babe, I promised my uncle I would spend time with him tonight" he responded clearly as cringed with that baby voice as I was, they finally left and Eddie ran to the back of the van and opened the door.

"I'm so sorry" he looked at me. "Ah it's fine" I say as I struggled to sit up, I just burst out laughing along with Eddie has he helped me out into the caravan. "You and Rose seem happy" I said as I sat down on his couch. "Yeah I uh guess" he said sitting down next to me putting his hand on my stomach. "What did you need to talk about?" I asked him "whose David?" He looked me dead in the eye, I couldn't keep this going any longer I burst out laughing.

"He is literally no one, non existent." I responded still laughing. "What?" He looked at me unamused. "I was hiding under the counter as they wanted to prank you with this 'David' charade as you was with Rose, but then Rose said you thought the baby wasn't yours anyways so I stayed under the counter till you left" I shrugged. "Why didn't you say when I was at your house?" He asked still unamused. "You turned up at my house uninvited with Rose. Do you think I was in the mood? Then you asked me to my face if the baby was even yours. I got mad" I shrugged again and he just stared at me.

"Guess you lost your sense of humour when you started dating her" I laughed. "You uh tried pranking me?" He said as he started to smile getting an evil look in his eyes. "Yep" I shrugged. He started tickling me when we heard the caravan door swing open, we jumped round to see "WAYNE!" I jumped up and hugged him. "Y/n! What you doing here kiddo? Oh look how big you've got!" He said looking at my bump. I pulled out the scan photos and tore another one off "for you!" I said smiling "you have a niece" I said smiling even more. "You're having a girl?!" He smiled at me and hugged me once again.

It had been about an hour and we was all sitting on the sofa talking. "I swear to god, I hate that Rose" Wayne said taking a sip of his beer, "me too but he seems to like her" I nodded my head at Eddie and me&Wayne started laughing. "You guys are really going to shit on my girlfriend while I'm right here" he laughed. "You can leave the room if you want" I laughed. He just rolled his eyes at me and put one arm round me and another on my stomach.

There was a knock at the door "oh is that the pizza?!" I jumped up smiling. "I'll get it" Eddie said grabbing his wallet heading for the door, as soon as he opened it Wayne's face dropped, he was facing the door but I wasn't I turned round to see Rose. "I thought it was just chill time with your uncle?" She scoffed crossing her arms. "It is chill time with my uncle" he shrugged. "And a whore?" He hissed looking at me.

"Alright none of that" Wayne said getting up to defuse the situation. "Oh shut up old man!" Rose yelled and my hormones plus my anger had, had enough of her "do not dare speak to him like that!" I stood up. "Just because you're a little twat who has to stop people from seeing their babies doesn't give you the right to talk to their family like shit" I walked over to the door "if you have a problem take it up with me." I said calmly looking at her dead in the eye, both Eddie and Wayne stood in silence "whatever we're done Eddie!" She huffed and stormed off. "Finally" Wayne mumbled which made me laugh and Eddie squinted his eyes looking at us unamused

"You understand that's the second relationship of mine you've destroyed y/n?" He looked at me a little smile creeping on his face. "What can I say? We're meant to be" I laughed. Which made him smile "maybe"

*later at home*

Eddie dropped me home and I walked in to see Mum and Dustin talking "y/n you're finally home" my mum smiled. I handed her and Dustin a scan photo each and kept the last one to myself. "It's a girl" I smiled which made them smile. They congratulated me and I headed to bed.

It was about 2am and I heard someone climbing through my window then a clash "shit" I heard a familiar mumble, I sat up and see Eddie "what are you do-" but before I could finish my sentence both my mum and Dustin ran in. "Eddie?" They both looked at us confused, I just put my hands up in defence, he just gave them a little wave.

They both just left the room and headed back to bed. "Eddie what are you doing?" I say as I got up to help in up. "I just wanted to see you and my baby" he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to bed. He stripped to his boxers and got in bed with me, cuddling me to sleep with his hand on my stomach

——1828 words——

Meant to be / Eddie MunsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora