Olegie and Sebryan drama

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Oli wakes up and Regie already was woke

OLIVER POV: I wake up and see Regie on his phone so I say good morning and give him a kiss he says good morning then says can I ask you a question so I say yes what is it.

Regie- When are we gonna tell the rest of them and our parents?

Oli- um idk but we should probably tell our parents first but Justin,Kane, and Darren already suspected something even before we started dating. So when do you want me to tell them?

Regie- Idk but soon

Oli- ok well since we both don't know we will figure it out later

Regie- alr lets go eat breakfast. Oh and try not to be jealous if one of them act sus that's just how they act ok.

Oli- yea ik I'm not 🙄

Regie- ok

After they eat breakfast

REGIE POV: After we got done eating since we didn't have a meeting that day we made some TikTok's and then went to the gym and when we was at the gym this girl kept staring at Oli and whispering to her other 3 friends and I got so mad I just left and started walking to the store but I only took like 4 steps before Kane came outside asking me whats wrong but I didn't know if I could tell him so I said wait a minute stay out here then I went to Oli and said I have to ask you a question and I asked him can I tell Kane and we tell the other 2 later because Kane asked me something that would make me have to tell him and he said yes so I said ok I went outside and started talking to him.

Regie- This girl kept staring at Oli and whispering to her other 3 friends and I got mad so I just left and was fin to walk to the store.

Kane- Wait so why was you mad was they talking bad about him.

Regie- No I was mad because they was talking good about him and liking him and I was jealous.


Regie- Shhhh Justin and Darren dont know yet.

Kane- oh my bad well why they the only ones that don't know

Regie- I cant tell you that ask Ryan

Kane- Ok well do you want me to see if Oli likes you but I think he do like you but I will not straight up ask him or make it obvious.

Regie- Me and him already together

Kane- Oh ok my bad. Are you still going to the store.

 Regie- No I feel better now a little bit.

Kane- ok

They walk back to the gym

They walk in the gym and he sees the girl who was staring and talking to her friends talking to Oliver so he walks over there.

Regie- um who are you and why you over here

The girl- Oh um I'm Quaneisha and I wanna get his number.


Quaneisha- Oh Uh sorry him *points to Ryan*

Regie- Oh *looks at Seb and smirks*


*all them laughs except Seb*

Seb- shut up it's not funny lets go home.

Everyone in unision- Ok

                          Back in Sebs room

Ryan- that was funny but I kinda feel bad for her

Seb- Why if she like you and you're taken

Ryan- idk

Seb- Right so shut up

Ryan- ... What, who are you talking to

Seb- my bad I got mad again 

Ryan- its ok wanna watch a movie 

Seb- sure lets watch The Black Phone

Ryan- ok

 Turns on The Black Phone

Seb- I been seeing this all over TikTok so I wanted to see how it is 

Ryan- Oh ok

*54 minutes later*

*Seb falls asleep on Ryan then 15 minutes later Ryan falls asleep.*

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