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SEB POV: I wake up and Ryan is already woke i was kinda tired and i brushed my teeth and take a shower.

Ryan pov: I was already awake then Sebastian woke up and took a shower. He came out without a shirt on. I couldn't help it...i was Staring...hard.
SEB POV: I finish taking a shower and i realize that i forgot my shirt and i walk out and Ryan was looking at me up and down😳i could feel my face lowkey turning red...

RYAN ryan ryan (Sebastian was calling my name) uh oh. "Do you need anything?"Seb said. "You're making me nervous" Seb said. OH my bad i was just staring..i mean... day dreaming i mean THINKING yeah. "Hmm ok"

Sebastian gets dressed i head downstairs and cook something .

REGIE POV: Im feeling kinda sad today I dont know why so i asked Ryan if he wanted to go to a bar. He said sure so we got into the car and i drove .

AT THE BAR: Me and Ryan took a seat and ordered a drink.

RYAN POV: I only drunk two bottles and i was drunk but Regie drunk 5 he was super drunk we were messed up.

OLIVER POV: Where is Regie and Ryan we were going to play a game today. Sebastian give me your phone im going to call Regie mine is upstairs. I call Regie but no awnser. Then i called ryan and he answered. Where are you guys. Were at bar Ryan said . He sounded like he just woke up . So me and Sebastian drove to the bar. Sebastian picked up Ryan and I carried Regie to the car. I drove home and carried Regie to the bed and i told him to take a shower and he took one. After that he laid down and fell asleep I was on my phone then Regie said "I love you Oliver " while sleeping. I blushed so hard and then I realized that it was 3:45 am so I went to bed.

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