Olegie Confession

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*After the meeting Oli goes to Seb room*

Oli- *knocks* Seb its me can I come in

Seb- Yea sure whats wrong

Oli- So I was thinking about telling Regie about me liking him today but idk I'm kinda scared and idk if he will like me back because with him its either I think he likes me or I think he's mad at me and hates me.

Seb- Well which one do you feel like he feels more

Oli- I feel like he likes me more than he hates me but I mean... idk

Seb- Well before you told me you liked him I kinda already suspected something and the rest of us did too.

Oli- Oh well then idrk

Seb- I feel like you should tell him

Oli- but I'm scared

Seb- He probably likes you back just do it or at least tell him and if he doesn't It'll strengthen your relationship as long as you don't make it awkward because he most likely won't make it awkward but I'm pretty sure he likes you.

Oli- If I tell Regie you have to tell Ryan


Oli- shush be quiet you're to loud

Seb- Sorry but thats a whole different story because me and Ryan barely have any moments when we are like close because he acts like he don't know me or barely knows me we don't really talk unless I talk first.

Oli- Ryan is like that with everybody he barely talks first only sometimes the only reason him and Regie talks a lot is because Regie asks to talk to him and tells him stuff.

Seb- Well I guess but if he liked me shouldn't it be different.

Oli- idk maybe he is trying to hide it but I just thought about something what if how I'm talking to you about how I like Regie, Regie is talking to Ryan about how he likes me and how you are talking to me about how you like Ryan what if Ryan is talking to Regie about how he likes you.

Seb- Ik that would be crazy

Oli- Well are you going to tell him and when

Seb- Yes, how about the day after you tell him

Oli- I'm telling him today

Seb- Ok well I will tell him tomorrow but come on we gotta go because we going to get food.

Oli- ok

*After they eat they food and go to the gym they come home*

OLIVER POV: We get home and when I walk in Seb says come to his room to talk so I go up there to see what he wants and he says are you gonna tell him now and I say yea but I'm scared and he says it'll be ok I bet he will say yes but tell me what he says. Then I go up to my room and Regie already in there.

Oliver- Regie I have to talk to you

Regie- What is it

Oliver- Wait but you have to promise not to tell anyone not even the other members unless its yes but if it's no don't tell them and pls forget this happened if its no and dont make it awkward ok.

Regie- um ok Oli what is it. *mind* he looks so cute just sitting there.

Oli- Do you promise

Regie- Yes I do I promise

Oli- Uh *says very quietly* I l-like you as more than a best friend

Regie- What I can't hear you speak up

Oliver- *talks fast* I like you as more than a friend and I know you probably don't like me back but I just wanted to tell you because I don't wanna leave it in because I'll feel better if I just let it out and tell you the truth but if you don't like me its ok hopefully we can still be best friends and act like this never happened and not make it awkward or never remember it.

Regie- Is this a prank or are you fr

Oli- I-I'm fr but its ok I alr kinda knew you wouldn't like me back

Regie- but I do

Oli- What you do, are you being serious because if you're not thats really mean and messed up.

Regie- I'm being serious

Oli- oh my gosh I'm so happy um are we together

Regie- Yes we are

Oli- Um well I have to tell my brother he already knew I was going to ask you but don't tell anyone but he's going to tell Ryan tomorrow.

Regie- Oh well yk that secret me and Ryan was talking about it was about how I like you and he likes your brother.

Oli- oh my gosh really my brother is gonna be so happy he thinks Ryan hates him but I'm not gonna tell him he just gone have to find out on his own self.

Oli- *calls brother* GUESS WHAT

Seb- what

Oli- Regie said yes and we are together.

Seb- Oh my gosh thats good at least one of us will be happy with the person we like.

Oli- I'm pretty sure Ryan likes you.

Seb- yea yea but I'll talk to you later I'm finna watch anime with Kane since I barely watch it or know anything about it.

Oli- ok bye *hangs up*

Regie- I love you Oli

Oli- I love you too *kisses Regie*

*Regie and Oli cuddle and watch TikTok and Oli falls asleep on Regie chest*

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