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REGIE POV: When Oli put his hand on my thigh I started blushing so hard and he noticed so I just turned around and looked out the window and I saw Seb in the other car talking and laughing looking at Ryan's phone with him.

SEBS POV: I was watching Ryan scroll through TikTok on his phone and he was watching a funny TikTok, so I started laughing then I saw Regie looking out the window at me his face was bright red idk why but maybe he saw a cute girl on his phone or something anyways I was so tired and we had a long drive so I was asleep on Ryan's shoulder but I don't think he minded because when I woke up he seemed like be didn't even care or he liked it.

Back at the house

NOBODYS POV: They made it back to the house and they all went to there rooms and all of them were exhausted so they all fell right asleep except Ryan even though he was tired.

RYANS POV: All of them were asleep and I was the only one woke and Seb was right next to me he was actually kinda cute sleeping I never thought I would say that or think that idk whats been going on with me but lately I have been thinking Seb was cute a lot or even wanting to just cuddle with him but I'm tired so I will get some water and I'll think about it later.

SEBS POV: I woke up in the middle of the night really thirsty so I went to get a cup of water and I didn't notice Ryan was not in the bed but when I went to the kitchen he was in there drinking water too so we started talking and I kept looking at his lips and thinking about kissing him idk whats wrong with me but maybe I like him. Anyways after we got done talking we both went to bed and asked him if I could cuddle with him and surprisingly he said yes and I was so happy.

RYANS POV: I was in the kitchen drinking water when Seb came down to get some water too and we were talking and he kept staring at my lips it was kinda weird but I actually didn't mind but then we both went upstairs to go to sleep and Seb asked me to cuddle and usually I would say no to things like that but I couldn't say no to him, for some reason he has a big hold over me.

In The Morning at 8:30

RYANS POV: I woke up early today usually I wake up right on time but today I woke up 30 minutes early so I got in the shower and did what I usually do put on my clothes brush my teeth do my skin care eat breakfast and then go to the meeting post on social media go to the gym go eat again and then I just do whatever so when we all got home from the gym I went to my room and Seb said he had to ask me something so he asked me if I would...

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