"Go on." Vanessa crossed her arms.

"This program has aimed to pick young children to be taken and trained in unique ways. It has been envisaged that after being prepared, their lives would be manipulated so that they could be deployed to various organizations worldwide and thus have spies everywhere. But without anything to be official. Without these people, themselves knowing about it and accordingly without risking the organization being revealed."

"That doesn't make any sense. How is it possible to train people without them knowing it and then be deployed somewhere?"

"It's quite possible. And it's been practiced for a while very successfully."

"What do I have in common, and why should this be information I want?"

"Because Archibald Price was your grandfather."

Vanessa impulsively swung and punched Jack.

"What's wrong with you?" McKenna interjected as Jack Turner adjusted his lower jaw.

He nodded to McKenna that everything was fine.

"I'll kill you slowly and painfully if I find out this is a lie," Vanessa said menacingly.

"That's the truth. Robert's ambitions, however, have not been extended only there. He wanted to have world power. He has world power. But let's go back then. Your grandfather discovered that Robert started using his positions and their program's agents to deploy them to criminal organizations and to unwind his distribution of weapons and drugs. That's why he closed the program thirty years ago."

Jack paused for a few seconds.

"Go on." Vanessa rushed him.

"Robert has been angry with Archibald for interfering with his work and ended their project outright. He killed your grandfather."

"How could I know everything you say is true?"

"You can't. But you can listen to me to the end and make your conclusions after that."

"Go on."

"Your grandfather has been an influential and respected man. His murder has caused turmoil in the environment, and Robert has been covering himself for several years. When he showed up again, you were four years old. And when he found out that Archibald had a granddaughter, he decided to reopen the program, renaming it Project Blake."

"I've been his project?"

"Yes. But to clarify, your name has not been Vanessa Blake. Your real name was Violet Price."

Vanessa ran her hands through her hair. "This is my first time seeing you. And you're standing before me telling me I don't know my name?"

"I thought you wanted to know the truth?"

"Of course, I want to know the truth!" Vanessa shouted angrily. "But what a fucking true is that?" She calmed down a bit and asked, "And why the hell has my name changed?"

"Robert has killed your parents and kidnapped you. You have been placed in a shelter for abandoned children under the name Vanessa Blake."

"My parents have been killed?"

"I am sorry. You've been told that your parents abandoned you. After that, every part of your life has been dictated by Robert. Everything that has made you what you are today."

"An assassin." Vanessa took a breath deeply. "Listen to me, Jack Turner, or whatever your name is! do you realize that you are telling me that all my life has been a lie? I have been manipulated by a man I don't even know throughout my whole life? Do you really think I am that stupid not to suspect anything?"

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