Chapter 31

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"Mom, please don't cry!" Rebecca hugged her mother, even though she knew her tears were joyous.

"Mrs. Willker." Mike walked up to them. "Since Mr. Willker is not with us, I spoke to Cole first as the head of the family. But I hope to receive your blessing as well."

Kristen reached out to Mike and hugged him. "You have my blessing, my darlings!"

"Congratulations, Becks!" Vanessa said, hugging Rebecca.

With more hugs, the following hours were filled with joy, happiness, and love.

Kristen was humming Meldensohn, Rebecca was already looking at wedding dresses online and showing each one to Vanessa, and Jackson and Mike were talking to each other on the side.

At one point, Vanessa felt very tired. She retired to her room to rest.

But when the clock showed almost eight in the evening, her heart started to racing, but this time not from fatigue. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that her meeting with Cole was inevitable, the tension didn't go away. And there was another thing that was not giving her peace—Jackson was with her the whole time at the hospital; Rebecca and Kristen had given her a warm welcome; even Danny had gone to see how she was doing... But where had Cole been all this time? Did he really not care about her at all? That should have pissed her off. To help her fight the terrible feelings that plagued her. But instead, it made her sad. It hurt her.

But eventually, she decided she couldn't hide forever, so she got out of bed and went downstairs.

Everyone was already around the table—Kristen, Jackson, Rebecca, and Mike. But Cole was not there.

Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief.

She sat at the table, pulled Rebecca's hand, and stared at her ring. "Let me see it again, Becks! It's amazing!"

"I wanted to ask you to help me choose a ring,"—Mike turned to Vanessa—"but I ended up choosing it with Cole's help. I hope we did well."

"The ring is amazing, Mike," Kristen praised.

"Have you picked a date yet?" Vanessa asked. "Are you going to move out with Mike?"

When she asked the second question, Vanessa realized that a significant change was coming, which would naturally lead to her being moved out of Willker's house. Not only was she not doing her job properly lately, but losing contact with the family ultimately would fail her.

"No, we haven't set a date yet. Mike told me that Owen and Jessica are getting married too, so we'll wait for their wedding to go through and then start planning ours." Rebecca put her hand on Vanessa's. "And Mike and I decided we're going to live here. So I won't move anywhere."

Kristen, obviously sensing Vanessa's concern, intervened. "I'll be very happy for Rebecca and Mike to stay here. But even if they decide to move into a place of their own, you'll stay here with us, dear. You're part of our family."

That family thing again.

Vanessa didn't know what to say. "Thank you, Kristen," was all she said quietly.

"You have nothing to thank me for, Nessa." Kristen stood up from her chair as she spoke. "I'm going to get the meals now."

"Shouldn't we wait, Cole?" Rebecca asked.

"Cole won't be able to come, honey. He's got a lot of work."

"Work? Yeah. He's always busy, but he has never missed our family dinners," Rebecca said disappointedly.

"Don't be sad, Becks," Vanessa tried to comfort her, though she was secretly happy about the fact. "I'm sure there's something urgent."

"It's not because of work, Nessa! It's because of you!"

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