Chapter 25

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Another shot.

The man also fell to the ground.

Danny holstered his gun and rushed toward Cole and Vanessa.

"My boy!" Kristen screamed from the side as Jackson tried to hold her back.

"Are you okay, Vanessa?" Cole, who was slowly trying to stand up, asked her. He was pressing a hand on his shoulder, from which blood was gushing.

Vanessa stood up, too, and nodded her head in response. She was not injured.

Cole looked around. "Is everyone okay?" he shouted.

At that moment, Kristen tore herself away from Jackson and rushed to her other son.

"I'm fine, Mom." Cole tried to comfort her, but she kept sobbing.

He will live, Vanessa thought. From my bullet, he will die.

"Brother, you are injured," Jackson, standing beside his brother, said anxiously. "You are losing blood. We need to get you to the hospital."

Meanwhile, Danny was already calling 911.

"I'm fine. I'm not going anywhere," Cole replied.

As everyone gathered around him, Vanessa bent down to pick up her phone that had fallen to the ground. She discreetly turned on the camera and took a picture of the lifeless man lying on the ground.

The next moment, Rebecca called out in worry from the second floor. "Cole? Mom? What happened?"

"Go back to your room, Becca," Cole shouted to his sister.

Numb with horror, Rebecca returned to her room.

Vanessa moved closer to Kristen and hugged her. "Everything is fine, Kristen. It's okay. Come with me. Everything will be okay."

Cole turned his head after Vanessa as she was helping his mother walk up the stairs. And just a moment after they were already out of sight, he started screaming. "How the hell did this happen, Dan? How could someone come in and shoot in my own house?"

Meanwhile, crouching next to the corpse, Danny looked up at Cole. "I searched him. No ID."

"Of course, there won't be an ID! Who would go kill and carry a passport with them?!"

Jackson was looking out the window, waiting for the ambulance to come. Adrenaline might have sustained his brother at this point, but the blood loss was dangerous.

A minute later, which seemed like an eternity, he saw the paramedics crossing the driveway in front of the house. Jackson opened the door for them. "Here." He pointed to his brother sitting on the stairs, still pressing his hand against his wound.

"Entry and exit wound, bullet not in body." One paramedic said to the other after crouching next to Cole and examining his wound. "We're going to take you to the hospital, Mr. Willker."

"I'm not going anywhere. Sew, glue, bandage, I don't care. But do it here."

Even in this situation, wounded by a bullet and probably burning with pain, his voice sounded controlled, cold, and monotonous, and his face was still serious, not showing any emotion.

While the doctors treated the wound, police sirens sounded outside.


Upstairs,  still shaking and unsure of what had happened, Rebecca stood by the window, watching the police car, which had arrived three minutes after the ambulance.

The next moment the door to her room opened, and Vanessa walked inside.

"Nessa!" Rebecca rushed to her and hugged her. "Tell me what happened! I heard gunshots."

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