Chapter 10

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Vanessa pulled out the magazine from her pistol to check how many rounds there were. Once she ensured it was full, she put it back in the gun and fastened the weapon at the back of her belt. She took one of her handmade grenades, placed it in the side pocket of her trousers, and put headphones on her neck. Fully prepared, she headed for her destination.

After about forty minutes of driving, the GPS took her to an old, abandoned factory outside the city. It was a wasteland within a few miles—a perfect place for a hitman's hideout.

The factory area was huge. Vanessa hardly had time to search, so she decided to get attention instead. She put the headphones on her ears, reached into her pocket, and pulled out the grenade. When she made sure there was no sign of movement, she pulled the ring, threw the grenade through the window of a small building near the emergency exit of the main building, and immediately hid behind a large concrete column nearby.

A powerful blast followed—music for Vanessa's ears. She adored that sound.

At the same time, at the other end of the factory, The Predator and Rebecca were shaken unexpectedly.

"God, what's going on?" Rebecca screamed.

The Predator dropped his cigarette, stepped on it, loaded his pistol, and ran to see what was happening.

He exited the emergency exit just as Vanessa had hoped. The moment he passed the column behind which she stood, she shouted. "The famous Predator! I respect your work very much."

At that moment, the man turned and shot a couple of times in the direction of the voice. But he hit nothing but concrete. With a puzzled expression, he began to look around again, pistol pointed.

"Where's the girl?" Vanessa asked, still hidden.

The Predator turned and shot again. 


He began to stroll toward Vanessa, though he wasn't sure exactly where she was. One step later, he stopped abruptly as if frozen. He began to listen. He stared into the silence. One sound would be enough.

But so Vanessa was.

She took off her headphones quietly and tossed them aside. When The Predator instinctively fired a few more bullets at them, she appeared behind him with her gun aimed at him.

"Put the gun down. Let's talk," Vanessa said.

The man turned to her, shooting at the same time. Vanessa threw herself to the left and hid behind a low building on the side.

"Tell me where you keep the girl!" She continued.

"Who the hell are you?" The Predator's voice and footsteps sounded in her direction.

Vanessa ran to the other side of the building. "I'm a fan. But it's a pity our paths crossed that way."

"It's a pity for you! Show yourself!"

Vanessa stood in front of him at a few meters' distance, aiming her pistol. "As you wish, sweetheart."

"You wanna try who is faster?" the Predator asked confidently.

Vanessa watched him as he spoke. His finger did not tremble on the trigger. He was waiting for a moment to shoot.

"Why not? But do you? Glock 17, seventeen rounds, only two left. I have a full magazine."

"One is enough for me." As he spoke, he pulled the trigger.

A split second earlier, however, Vanessa was behind the wall of the building. The bullet hit the concrete again. 

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