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Fariq watched as Meenah literally raced out of the building. After talking to Aurora, he followed her outside and saw her talking to a tall man. As he went for football practice, his head was filled with terrible thoughts.

What were they doing?

Is he..... confessing to her?

No, no, no, Aurora said Meenah was interested in him, right?

Yes, that was what she said.

But hours upon hours had passed since then, he was out of school and on his way to Meenah's house, to ask her out for a date.

He glanced at the clock in his car. Okay, Meenah's mum should still be at work. Maybe he could man up and confess to her properly this time.

Fariq neatly parked his car in the Zayn's driveway next to her father's car. Seeing her parents car, he seemed a bit disappointed. He quickly hopped out, nervous, but with a swagger in his steps.

Fariq knocked in the door loudly."Meenah! Meenah girl, open up!"

He heard a shuffle on the other side of the door as he rocked on his toes. In moments, a very tired Meenah opened the door, Fariq smiled. Her contacts were out and her hair was tied back in a messy bun. She was in a large sweatshirt and track pants. His heart warmed at the sight. She always looked cute this way. Not that she wasn't cute before.

She raised an eyebrow and leaned on the doorframe."Fariq? What are you doing here?"

He shifted on her toes before walking past her into the house."I'm here to talk to you!"

"About?" He heard her sigh before closing the door her, following him into the sitting room.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you but you seemed occupied."

She looked puzzled for a moment before flushing deeoer and shaking her head."Oh, that? It was nothing. He just asked me something."

His heart thumped quickly in his chest. He laid a hand on her shoulder and gave her a solemn."Meenah, it's okay. You can tell me."

She took a deep breath and sat on the couch, putting her head in her hands. Fariq let his hand fall to his side and he crouched down in front of her. She shook her head against her palms."I.... Don't think I can."

Fariq smiled softly and his gaze softened."Trust me you can. It's okay."

Meenah hesitated but peaked at him through her fingers. Fariq's smile grew slightly. At a moment like this, how could he think she was anything but cute?

She sighed and out her head back down."You know...."

"Something wrong, Meenah?" Meenah yelped, jumping straight into the air. Fariq shot her look, turning around to face her father.

"Of course not. I'm perfectly fine." He eyed her wearily.

"Afternoon, Mr. Zayn." Fariq greeted, flashing Abdullah a smile. Her Dad smiled and nodded. Meenah was tense, too tense. She swallowed harshly.

"Fariq, what's wrong with Ameenah?" Abdullah asked.

Fariq glanced at her. She frantically shook her head and tried to send him a message with her mind. He looked down and coughed."Oh, nothing Mr. Zayn. We were just having a talk about something."

"Was it important? Was I interrupting?" He asked, looking kind of guilty. Fariq quickly shook his head.

"No of course, you aren't." He looked back at Meenah."We can talk about it later."

"Now, now. Don't let me spoil anything, carry on." He said, turning slightly and making his way upstairs. He turned back as Fariq turned to her."Would you like any cookies, Fariq?"

Fariq chuckled and shook his head, waving it off."No, no thank you Mr. Zayn."

Abdullah nodded."Alright, there's some if you want it. Are you going to be joining Ameenah and I to watch the big soccer game next week, but we have to watch a documentary before watching it. Wouldn't be the same without you and Anwar."

"If it's alright with you, I won't miss it. But can Aurora join us."

"Nope, I'm sorry, but she can't." Abdullah grumbled. Meenah stared at him in surprise. She knew her father was always nice to Fariq. But she's scared of him, and she would always be, yet he and  Fariq were like father and son.

"Do you remember that one time when you and Anwar were little and I took you to one of those games? Ha, remember how surprised the guy was when you and Anwar-" He started before he was interrupted by a more feminine voice that was her mother.

"Abdullah?" She called from upstairs making her father immediately straighten up. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, if you'll excuse me kids...." He said before racing up.

Fariq turned to her and burst out laughing. Meenah narrowed her eyes.

"That was not* funny, Fariq."

"It was a little funny. You jumped like three feet into the air."

She groaned and scowled."No I didn't."

He smirked and cocked his head."How are you related to that gentleman? He's so simple and easy going, you're too tight, Meenah." He teased.

Meenah cocked her head back."You know he's just friendly to you, he's too strict and harsh. And I never asked you to be friends with such a tight girl like me, don't complain."

"Who said I was complaining?"

Meenah sighed and felt a blush coming on, the confident Meenah gone. Fariq sighed also and looked her in the eyes, much to her distaste.

They were silent for awhile but Fariq was the first to break it.

"Uh, Meenah, do you maybe want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?" He whispered, looking away from her. It was his turn to blush now. His cheeks turned a bright red.

"When?" Meenah asked softly, looking him up and down shyly. He glanced at her hopefully.


"Oh, sorry, she can't tonight! Mandatory family dinner, that was what Mum said. Can't miss it." A boyish voice shouted from upstairs, most likely from upstairs. Meenah felt her cheeks heat up a thousand more degrees. She groaned and out her head in her hands.


She peeked out through her fingers. Fariq didn't even chuckle. He was staring at the ground, shuffling his feet awkwardly, looking kind of sad. She immediately stood up straight. She might not get this opportunity again!

"So I can't tonight, but how about tomorrow?" She asked, a little too urgently. He perked up, giving her a lopsided smile as he looked up at her.

"Ah, yeah, we have no plans tomorrow! she's good!" Adnan yelled, making her flush again. This time, Fariq laughed.

"Are you sure?" He asked grinning. Meenah shyly returned his smile.


He put his hand behind his back, slightly blushing."I'm looking forward to it."


Word count-1131

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