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The two girls were lying on the ground in their hotel suites next to empty silver trays of food entries. Meenah moaned, touching her stomach. She was more than full, she was disgustingly full. Aurora was lying on her stomach, dipping her wings in the bowl of ranch. If anyone could eat endless piles of wings, it was Aurora.

It had been a busy day of constant movement. After becoming nauseated from the dizzying taxi ride, they had traveled on foot for several hours. They visited several stores in which Aurora purchased things she had absolutely no need for before they ambled toward a luxury hotel situated next to Central Park. The suites were huge and not normally something two teenagers could afford. They took advantage of the room service, finding the food surprisingly delicious.

"Let's go out," Aurora suggested with his mouth full."Times Square. That's when the real fun will happen."

"If I can get up," Meenah complained.

Her stomach was so heavy she didn't think she would be able to get up off the floor for several hours.

"You hardly ate anything."

Aurora scrambled up from the bed and loomed over Meenah with her chicken sauce stained lips. Before she could haul her up with her sticky fingers, there was a loud crash in the darkened room and Aurora abruptly scrambled backward and onto her backside. They stayed motionless, holding their breaths as they tried to listen for the sound again.

"What was that?" Meenah whispered hoarsely."You go check."

"Me?" Aurora shook her head, hiding behind Meenah as if she could somehow hide her."No, I'm not going to check. You do it."

After a few minutes of silence, Meenah stood up. Outside, the sun was almost down, casting deep and endless shadows across our unlit room. The only light inside the room came from the silver platters that had somehow caught what little rays the sun had to offer.

She used het hands to feel for the light switch. When she found it, she turned the lights on, expecting to see someone hiding in the hall behind them. Luckily, no one was there, but it still made her uneasy. The crash sounded especially close by, as if it had been in the room.

Aurora must have been thinking along the same lines."I could have sworn I heard something," she muttered, her body still hovering behind Meenah. Her fingers dug into Meenah's shoulders as a knock rapped sharply on the door."What is that?"

"It's the doorAurora." Meenah made her way cautiously to the peephole. Outside stood another hotel worker, a cart of food in front of him."What the hell did you order now?"

Aurora pushed her aside, her expression brightening into one of ecstasy.

"My enchiladas! They make the best." Obviously forsaking her earlier trepidation, Aurora tore open the door and reached for the platter. As soon as her fingers came in contact with the silver dome, the hotel waiter grabbed her wrists and held them captive."Dude," Aurora stammered, scoffing uneasily."Just chill out, alright? I already paid for this in advance. It's on my tab."

"Aurora, you're an idiot." Meenah shook her head, wondering how she always found the patience to stand her presence."That is not a hotel employee." Meenah had to admit, it was one of the most cliché moves to get them to open the door. She half-expected them to kick down their door and fire their machine guns.

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