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Meenah played with the crispy fry between her fingers, swirling it in her ketchup.

Jason sat across Mason giving off sly, smart smirk as he always do. She could see his canines curving to a sharp point as he smiled. He leaned forward, that smirk still on his face.

Aurora sat beside Jason, picking at her fingernails. While Evelyn sat across Meenah, blowing her hair out of her face, while playing with her phone.

"-that doesn't mean that you had to lick it!" Aurora chastised, sending Jason a glare.

"You shouldn't had handed it to me to watch then." Jason said simply, sipping a juice box.

"I asked you to hold it for a second! You didn't have to wipe your germs on it!"

"I enjoyed licking it! Now it's valuable. You're welcome!"

"Get your tongue away from my things!"

"Get your things away from my tongue!"

Meenah rolled her eyes, ignoring the twos usual bickering, and turned her attention to Fariq, who was approaching the table with a tray full of food between his hands with Hanan following closely behind. She smiled slyly and shushed her friends, who ignored her and kept on with their playful banter.

Fariq sat down next to her, handing her a corndog he had gotten in line. Meenah took it graciously and smiled, taking a bite. Fariq shook his head. Hanan sat with Mason and the two started chatting.

"Those things are nasty. How can you eat  them?" He asked with a false shiver. Meenah shrugged, taking another bite.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She swallowed and flashed him a grin."Delicious."

Shaking his head again, he took a carrot and bit into it, chewing thoughtfully with his mouth closed. He turned his attention to Jason and Aurora, who were slamming their fists on the table, arguing over who knows what.

Fariq studied them, an eyebrow raised, his carrot sticks still in his hand. Meenah watched as his eyes darted from Jason to Aurora with interest.

"I'm just saying, what kind of guy just licks all the way up another guy's phone? You don't know where it's been!" Aurora shouted, turning around to stare at Jason in the face. Jason crossed his arms, eyeing Aurora sharply.

"You loved my licking it."

Aurora wrinkled her nose and put her head in her hand."Fariq, tell him how stupid that is!" She yelled through her hand, making Jason grit his teeth. Meenah smirked at their friends. They were closer than close yet they managed to fight over just about everything. Fariq didn't answer, he merely swallowed his bite of carrot stick.

"Meenah, your birthday is Saturday right?" Evelyn asked."I hope everything is going as planned, most especially our sleepover."

"Oh gosh Meenah, we forgot to tell them." Aurora complained rubbing her temple.

"What is it?" Evelyn asked quirking a brow."Is there anything wrong?"

"Did you know Mr. Muneer Fawaz, Fawaz Enterprises?" Aurora asked wiggling her brows.

"That hot stuff and everything?" Evelyn asked suddenly interested in the conversation.

"You got a sharp brain there sis," Aurora said high-fiving her,"He's joining Meenah and her family for a DINNER."

"So where's all this enthusiasm coming from?" Fariq asked Aurora.

"Hey!" She playfully punched him on his shoulder,"So this year, we won't have a sleepover like we usually do, cause the dinner is on Friday night, the day we suppose to have our sleepover, and she's spending the weekend with her grandmother, just like always."

"That's just.... great." Fariq mumbled.

"I hate my life, I hate this Fawaz Family, I hate everything." Meenah complained as she banged her head on the table.

"But that means it isn't your birthday dinner since it isn't on your birthday." Jason complained.

"I don't know, Jason, I don't have a say in this." She repeated what her Father told her.

"Ah, Fariq?" A small voice said from behind them. Fariq chewed his carrot and swallowed, covering his mouth with his hand, turning around. Meenah turned her head slightly, seeing a small girl, Nina, standing behind Fariq, staring at the ground. Fariq raised an eyebrow, not opening his mouth. He waited for a second as she stared at the ground. She noticed he wasn't going to say anything, and took a deep breath preparing herself for whatever she was about to say.

"I was wondering if you were doing, uh, doing anything on Friday and I thought that maybe you'd want to go out.... on a date with... me?" She sputtered blushing so hard that it reached her ears.

Meenah watched Fariq, seeing his eyes widen slightly in surprise. Nina was a pretty girl with long curly, black hair that was tied back by a red ribbon and brilliant blue eyes that shone brightly against her flawless ivory skin. And what the girl lacked is height.

Fariq opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Meenah stood up, swinging around the table and to stand in front of Fariq's back. She leaned back on him, crossing her arms. Nina jumped slightly and gave out a squeak.

"Sorry Nina, you're a lovely girl and I'm sure Fariq would love to date you but we have plans on Friday night." Meenah said simply, sending her a smile. She heard Fariq chuckle behind her not-so-discretely. She blushed even harder, giving a shaky nod and bringing her hands up to her chest.

"What about the next day?"

Meenah shook her head.

"No can do. I'm taking my man out for a besties night. Nice try though, I love the enthusiasm." Meenah smiled. Nina gave another shake of a nod and turned around on her heels, walking away quickly. Meenah gently shoved back on Fariq and swung around to sit back on her chair.

Fariq smirked and gnawed on a carrot stick."I didn't know I had plans on Friday."

"I was meaning to talk to you about that." Meenah said with a smile."Will you please take me for shopping on Friday?"

"Shopping, huh? And why would I do that?" He said trying to hide a smile behind his carrot stick.

"Because you love me and want to hang out with your best friend." Meenah said sweetly, taking a bite of her corndog."I'd be happy to grace you with my presence.

"You do love her Fariq, don't you?" Mason chimed in. Fariq rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"Just the two of us? Don't you need more people to shop?" He chuckled, his eyes twinkling. Meenah shrugged.

"Maybe we will change the plans and go somewhere else." Meenah beamed."It will be fun."

He sighed eyeing his carrots. Meenah smiled hopefully, poking him with her elbow. He gave a small chuckle but nodded."Fine, but I will pay."

"Fine by me." Meenah smiled. She suddenly felt the urge to rub her hands together like a cartoon villian.

She saw Fariq's cheeks  flush a bit as he dipped a carrot in ranch. Meenah furrowed her brows, leaning forward.

"Are you alright, dear? You look pale. Do you have a fever?" Meenah said reaching forward, putting her hand on his forehead. His eyes widened slightly and he flushed even more, shaking his head quickly.

"No! I'm fine. It's okay." He said, slapping her hands away. She made a face and crossed her arms.

"Excuse me for being worried!"

"Well, you don't have to be!"

"Obviously I do since no one else will!"

"I'm fine by myself, Meenah!"

"Don't try to push me away, Fariq. I just don't want you getting sick!" She cried, throwing her hands up in the air. Fariq dropped the harsh look and smiled softly, his eyes shining. Meenah smiled triumphantly and leaned back in her chair. grabbing one of his carrots. He rolled his eyes but looked down at his lap.

"Ah, thanks."


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