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Ayman wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Meenah stood at the entrance of the school, dressed in her bedraggled cloth. The collar was stiff and irritating against her neck.

Around her, students were scattered around the school grounds. She lived in an influenced neighborhood, that much was obvious from all the luxurious cars rolling in and out of the school parking lot. The show of status did not sit well with her. From personal experience, most of these parents neglected their children and made up for it by purchasing a flashy car.

Her parents thought she was going to Harvard.

They had no idea she was planning to go to Oxford to study art and join the track team.

"Miss Zayn."

Meenah scuffed the toe of her shoe as she turned and leveled Fawaz with a cool and impassive stare. She looked around him, noticing Ayman's absence. The man was actually by himself. Even if she hadn't known Fawaz for very long, it was strange seeing him stand solo without her brother's bulk-like body next to him.

"Mr. Fawaz." she struggled to address him so respectfully, but because he insisted she call him 'Muneer' at dinner last week, she figured ignoring his insistence would be just as equally as irritating to him.

He was dressed in a smartly-tailored suit with a charcoal-colored tie. She wondered if the man ever relaxed. Even his posture was upright and proper. He looked too young to be consumed by the strict life of business.

"Muneer," he corrected, stepping closer."Your brother had something come up. I agreed to take you out for your honorary dinner."

Pushing the deep disappointment away, Meenah averted her eyes to nothing in particular and breathed deeply. God, her brother's sudden no-show shouldn't have hurt as much as it did. By now, she would have thought she'd be used to it."Alright," she agreed cautiously. Any other occasion she would have refused the man's invitation, but she was starving. Even food with him sounded appealing."Do you mind if I drive?"

She didn't trust him. And she wouldn't be getting in a car with him without any control.

He seemed to understand her logic and gave a bitter smile."By all means, lead the way."

Giving him a once-over, she turned her back and led him away from the school and into the parking lot. For sprouting all the complaints about her parents, and how they liked to emotional love and material love, she felt ashamed of her car.

It was the only thing that she would allow myself to treasure. While not nearly as expensive and flashy as the other cars, it was still a treasured possession. It was a Fiat 500, and so beautiful. It was purchased a few days after her seventeenth birthday.

Fawaz raised his eyebrows, assessing the car."Beautiful car," he praised lowly.

Throwing her backpack in the trunk, she slammed it shut and looked over at the man. He had his hands in his pockets, looking as casual and nonchalant as someone could possibly pull off."You like it?" she raised her eyebrows, turning my attention back on her car."I'm selling it soon. If you're interested, let me know."

And if he was buying it, she would jack the price up.

Why not? The man even smelt of money.

Without waiting for an answer, she climbed inside the car, reluctantly waiting for the other man to climb in the passenger seat. He was able to fall into his seat with a ridiculous amount of grace and refinery.

"You're getting rid of it?" he inquired skeptically."Looking for a pricier model?"

The insulted and ugly scoff coming from her mouth was answer enough for him. Nonetheless, she decided she would give a coherent response."No, that's not it at all."

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