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Meenah leaned further against the seat, closing her eyes with a content smile across her lips.

It was Sunday evening, a full two days since escaping Muneer Fawaz at New York City. Ever since the park, they had no other run-ins with the man. But should there have been? After all, Muneer had won the challenge by meeting her before midnight.

They had taken a bus to Wyoming where Aurora's Aunt lived. It had been relaxing and entertaining enough. It was what they both needed. Time away from it all.

Early that morning, they made their way back to New York where Aurora left her car. Surprisingly enough, it had been waiting for them with no strings attached.

Glancing over at Aurora, Meenah eyed the way she cradled the two small Statue of Liberty figurine with her free arm. She had purchased it for her brother and Jason on their way out of New York. Diego had no idea how much Aurora doted on him. She would do anything for him.

Leaning her chin on her knuckles, she noticed they just entered their town.

"Are you ready to get pounded in by our parents?" Aurora asked, breaking the silence."You do realize we're going to get grounded, if not worse, right?"

Meenah had to grin."It was definitely worth it." Catching her reflection in Aurora's side mirror.

Aurora yawned, turning into their neighborhood."I think I might skip school tomorrow and just sleep."

"You slept all weekend," Meenah argued and then frowned."Never mind, you ate all weekend. Coach Jones is going to be on your back at practice tomorrow. I'd be surprised if you can fit in your clothes."

"Funny, Ameenah." Aurora laughed mockingly before she trailed off with a laugh of doom."Are you sure you don't want to live as fugitives for the rest of our lives?" She asked as she pulled up alongside my curb.

Meenah stared up at the large house, finding that she had actually missed her bedroom. It was home, despite the looming punishment."I think we'd get sick of each other faster than our money runs out." Her answer was rehearsed, only because Aurora had asked this several times the past hour. Reluctantly, she exited the car."Thanks again." Slamming the car door closed, she glanced once more at the Statue of Liberty in Aurora's hold."Send Diego and Jason my regards."

She gave a tense nod, saying, with her eyes, that she would indeed do so.

Standing on the road, she watched Aurora drive off to her house. She waited until Aurora got in before turning and approaching her house. Her car was in the driveway, appearing as if she hadn't even left the house. Everything seemed normal, almost nothing out of the ordinary, save for the face peering out of the window.

Her mother.

She frowned before moving out of the window, the heavy drape replacing her against the glass. Looking back at Aurora's, she had the crazy notion of sprinting after her and taking her up on her offer of running away forever. But some things were better facing than running away from. Her parents were one of them. The longer she dragged this out, the angrier they'd become.

Tucking her hands in her headscarf, she lazily made her way up the brick steps and toward the large mahogany door.

Should she knock, like a stranger? Or step in like she lived there?

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