Part Two: Chapter Thirty-Six

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April 1726, The Temple of Sah, Sicilia, Italy

"You do realize all of this is your fault, correct?" Esme raged as she advanced on what apparently was Sah inhabiting Francisco's body. Things had turned out well. No, they hadn't gone according to plan, but Aimee was able to break the amulet open before Francisco and was alive. Esme glanced at her and held onto her hand as tightly as she could without causing pain, fearful to let her go again. "All of this death. All the loss. It is all your responsibility."

Sah nodded, sending her a sympathetic gaze before she glanced up toward the sky. A beam of light shone through the clouds and she smiled with bright eyes. Sah turned her attention back toward them all and walked over. She took Aimee's hand and studied her features so intently, it momentarily surprised Esme. However, she couldn't let her anger go. Not after Dawn's fate. Not after losing Taria.

"I am sorry." Sah replied just as Esme was about to hurl insults, then gazed at her. "Truly. I should never have come back. Isidora was my friend."

Sah let Aimee go and moved to the altar, sifting through its contents. "What are you doing?"

She pulled a shard of the ruby free from it and held it between her hands, cupping them around it. She blew some air into the little pocket and pulled back with a fond smile. Sah held her hands out to Aimee and Esme and they watched as the gem shined in her palm.

"What is it?" Esme asked as she glanced back up into her eyes.

"Francisco. His essence." Sah walked to the edge of the landing and held her hand out over the edge of the railing. She muttered something inaudible and crushed the gem in her fist. When she opened her hand once more, only small flakes and dust remained that were swiftly swept away in the breeze. Esme watched it drift away in silence, then finally released a sigh of relief as her knees buckled. Sah caught her and steadied her on her feet as she spoke. "He can never hurt you or your family again. Soon, neither will I."

Sah walked to the altar and picked up the cloth still resting inside the bowl. She held it in her palm and spoke under her breath, setting it aflame. Once it was burnt and the altar emptied, Sah placed both of her hands along its edge and blew a long breath from her lungs. It cracked and shattered into hundreds of tiny shards, falling to the marble below with some plummeting over the cliff.

"No one can harness my power for personal gain now. Never again will I visit the realm of man." She looked right at Aimee. "Your blood is no longer bound to my essence, but the light still remains. You are free to do with it what you will."

Esme stepped forward and cleared her dry throat as a question burned it from deep within. "And...what about... What about Taria?"

"Isidora is gone, Talia." Sah retorted, but placed a hand on her chest. "My apologies. You prefer your chosen name. Esme, she is already home." She walked to her and put her hand on her shoulder. Esme fought to hold back her sobs, but knew what would come next. She wasn't sure how she knew, but her gut told her of Taria's fate. Still, hearing it would immensely help her warring soul. "She is where she desires. Jovial and at peace. Bringing her back here would be against her will. Isidora was alone in the world and killed for her otherworldly capabilities, yet I saved her, bringing her back only to ultimately face more hardships. I fear I have brought that fate upon all of you far too many years already. Do you not agree?"

Esme felt her tears pelting her cheeks, but nodded in acquiescence. Her friend was gone, never to come back no matter the struggle she beat in her life. No matter how hard Esme may try, none of them would ever see Taria again, but her one solace was that she was finally home. She'd ultimately found the peace for which she had yearned so many centuries.

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