Part Two: Chapter Thirty-Four

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April 1726, San Vito Lo Capo Beach, Sicilia, Italy

The remaining ghost crew had just arrived on San Vito and Aimee watched as Esme secured a cart and two mules from a local merchant. She moved and spoke as if all her motivation was gone, as if she was just going through the motions, and Aimee tapped on Margaret's shoulder. She glanced up from gathering their things in her arms and waited expectantly for whatever Aimee had to say. Unlike Esme, Margaret was more vibrant than ever, her ire from past events and desire to keep Aimee alive carrying her forward, and she suddenly wished the same could be said for her dearest person.

"Stay here with the others. Keep them back while I talk to Esme for a bit, yeah?"

"Sure, but Aimee," Margaret gazed after Esme and seemed at a loss for words. "We just... We need her to fight with us if we are to survive."

"I know."Aimee cupped her cheek and allowed Margaret to lean into it. Of course she knew of her romantic feelings toward herself and that this touch would comfort her even just a tad-bit, but she suddenly felt the urge to show affection toward Esme and pulled her hand away. She spotted Margaret's shoulders slumping ever so slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and got busy unloading the boats once more. An ache formed in Aimee's heart for never wanting to cause any type of pain toward Margaret, but she knew this wasn't something she could fix herself. Margaret would need to adjust and she would give her that time, giving Esme the attention she needed so desperately now that they could have a moment alone. "I will not be long, but keep the others here, please."

"Of course. We will wait however long you need."

Aimee nodded and walked to Esme, waiting for the merchant to move away before she finished her approach. As she saw her, Esme jolted, then peered past her toward the others as if wanting to run away. This had been Aimee's reality the entire journey since Taria's death. Esme hadn't let her body go the remainder of their sea voyage, not even allowing any of them to help her wrap it in one of the boat's spare sails, and had barely said a thing to anyone in all that time.

Aimee knew without a doubt exactly what was going through her mind, she could see it in her hollow eyes, and took hold of her arm before she could escape. "It was not your fault." Esme recoiled, but Aimee didn't let her retreat and grasped her other arm. "Essie, listen to what I tell you."

Esme stared at her, her lively eyes sweeping across her face as Aimee stared at the dark circles encompassing them. She needed rest if she was to help them and aside from passing out shortly after Taria's demise, Esme hadn't slept a wink. Aimee gingerly ran her finger under Esme's eye and rested her hand along her cheek, but she pulled back and scowled.

"Is this really the best use of your time?" Aimee tried not to let her sharp words cut her and reached out again, but this time Esme swiped her hand away, catching it in her own. "Get back to work! We do not have time to waste on--"

"Esme, shut your mouth!"

She flared her nose and curled her top lip in defiance, speaking through a clenched jaw. "What did you just say?"

"I told you to shut your mouth and I expect you to do so. Now." Esme opened her mouth to argue back one more time, but Aimee didn't entertain the idea and quite literally shut her up, covering her mouth with her hand. As Esme clasped onto her wrist with reddened cheeks, Aimee blurted out what she needed to hear, finally knowing the words' meaning. "Ubicumque is, Im 'iens."

Esme's eyes softened and she fell to her knees, Aimee following suit. She lifted her head and eyed their small boats on the shoreline, staring intently at Taria's body. When she peered back at Aimee, she felt her heart breaking into a thousand sharp pieces that nearly sliced straight through her chest. Esme's face was the most defeated, distraught thing she'd ever witnessed and she fell forward against her chest. Aimee held her there firmly, letting her get it all out of her system before they pushed on. It was something she knew Esme needed for a long while, yet wouldn't happen while the others were around.

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