Part Two: Chapter Thirty-One

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March 1726, Adrift the Atlantic Ocean, Onboard the New Midnight Scarlet

"You are going to tell us the rest." Aimee commanded as she sat atop the bunk in the captain's cabin. It was much smaller than that of their previous ship -- the vessel they'd obtained was half its size after all -- but that was of little importance to her in that moment. "I know you must be holding something back and we are already sailing toward Sicilia. What more do you want before you decide to tell us the whole truth?"

"I have given you all the information that you all need, Lucia. I am not sure--" Taria began, but Aimee held up her hand.

"Spare me the ignorance and do not call me by that name."

"It is who you are. You are of my bloodline and we are on our way to stop Francisco." Taria sat back on her perch along a table fastened to the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "Is there any more that you really need to know?"

"Why is her bloodline so vital to the demon?" Esme asked as she stepped forward, making Aimee jolt in surprise. She'd forgotten she was even in the room. Esme had been so quiet, yet it appeared not even she could await their answers any longer. "Why Aimee and you? And why Francisco?"

"Aimee and I are compatible due to the fact that Sah once resided in me for a short while when reviving me after my first death, as I have already explained. However, Francisco's bloodline is a bit more complicated." Taria stood and sighed as if just talking about his ancestry was a rather arduous chore. "Yes, they are our kin, but not for the reasons you may think. Francisco's surname was Yusef before they changed it to Decimus in order to blend into society in Rome and it is from a time long ago.

"The first to bear this name was Khafra Yusef who took this name upon his first death. I am not sure what he was known as prior to this, but his death triggered something monumental that forever changed the lives of all those attached to his blood. Blood is power, the purest of which can either heal, or set the balance of nature into disarray.

"He did as much after spending a thousand years with Sah. She told him of her past life and he was a true companion to her, on a similar journey to our own. That was until he betrayed her. After a thousand years of traveling with Sah who rested in the hilt of his trusty blade where an emerald lay, he found texts revealing her true nature. She was a lemure, a spectre who fed off of the vengeance of others."

Aimee stood and walked closer to Taria, feeling Esme firmly at her side and taking her hand within her own to steady her apparent anxiety. "Which is why we did it for so long, is it not?" She watched as Taria's gaze narrowed in on where Aimee and Esme were connected, but refused to let go. "Was it not beneficial enough to keep Sah sustained?"

"Each time our course was off-set or we had to revive someone with such strength as tying them to the ocean or earth, it took enormous amounts of power and Sah was weakened." Taria tilted her head and clenched her jaw as she continued. "I did the same for you and cannot perform anything without replenishing my strength either. If I am to fight, it would not last long and not for the typical reasons. It must be in our homeland, which is why Esme must come, but you should stay back."

"What?" Taken aback, Aimee loosened her grip on Esme's hand, but she hurriedly grasped it back, sending her a worryful gaze. "Why would I do that?"

"Aimee..." Taria cast her eyes away as if ashamed and released a long groan. "My essence cannot be bound to the amulet as I am now a lemure myself. Can you not see that I have been for centuries? However, your essence is bound to it. Both yours and Francisco's and upon its breaking..."

"What? Upon its breaking what?" Esme rapidly grabbed the scruff of Taria's dress, nearly hoisting her from the floor in the process and Aimee tried to pull her back, yet it was a pointless trial. Esme shook her off so jarringly she stumbled back a few paces. Peering back up at them, she found her holding Taria against the opposite wall and shaking with fury. "What have you done? Did you do it to her? I know you did! You are always scheming! Always! Take it back!!"

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