Part Two: Chapter Twenty-Two

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February 1726, The Caribbean Sea, Onboard the Midnight Scarlet, Captain's Quarters

"You will not speak with the prisoner, Aimee." Captain Margaret proclaimed as she sat down atop her bunk. The ship jostled about as the stormy waves surged ever higher and the crew grew louder, their billows carrying into Margaret's cabin. Aimee knew her thoughts should be with them, but she couldn't seem to care about sailing at the moment. She had but one thought raging at her mind and no matter the words Margaret spat, or the need to help keep the ship afloat, she couldn't keep that amulet from her mind a single second longer. "Aimee, just go and--"

"No, you told me once we were clear of the battle to meet you here, but we are not going to avoid my speaking to Francisco. It needs to happen. Now." She walked to her and knelt down in front of her dearest friend. "Please, Margaret. I need to know why he thinks I'm interested in the necklace."

"And you aren't?" Margaret stood and walked to the door. "Aimee, I won't stop you if this is what you have to do, even when we both should be out there helping them, but are you absolutely sure that amulet doesn't mean something to you already? Why did you stare at it like you did? Can you at least tell me that?"

Aimee thought for a moment. It was evident Margaret was as worried about her as she was about herself, but that didn't mean whatever Francisco said would change anything. It could hold no effect at all, no merit, falling on deaf ears Aimee was sure would struggle in believing a single word from his mouth. They would continue their expeditions regardless of his possible explanations. Though, at the moment, Aimee needed to know.

She thought of the amulet and how familiar an odd trinket it was despite the fact that she had never seen it a day in her life. At least, not that she could recall. Yet something about it told her she was meant to own it and wear it wherever her journey may take her. The only person who could tell her why was sitting in the brig and no matter the hate she held for him, no matter the vengeance her rage demanded be quenched, she had to know the importance of that amulet.

"I cannot say I have no interest in the amulet's meaning, nor that I would not want to take it for myself and find why it sparkles to me so. But that does not mean it will change anything." She walked to Margaret and took hold of her wrist, staring intently into her eyes. It was obvious Margaret feared whatever Aimee may learn from Francisco could send her elsewhere, away from her family, her crew, but that would never happen. "I am not going anywhere, Cap'n. I promise you that, but I need to know what he knows. I do not know why, but I must know. Please."

Margaret stared at her for several painstakingly long moments, then slipped her hand into Aimee's with a stiff nod. "Alright, but Felipe and I will go with you. You will not be alone with him. Is that understood?"

"Yes'm." Aimee let Margaret lead her out of her cabin onto the main deck.

The ship leisurely swayed as the storm overhead began dying down and the crew cheered in unison, all relieved the worst was over. They moved along, parting every now and again to let them through, and Felipe joined them upon Margaret's nod in his direction. Sending a skeptical gaze toward Aimee, Felipe fell in step beside her and appeared to be waiting for an explanation as the rain, much gentler now, pelted the left side of his face.

After giving him a nod to wait, they all headed to the stairs, but Margaret turned around to address her crew, leaving Aimee waiting in anxious anticipation of what she may say. "Crew! Gather 'round!" They did as they were told, those who could leave their posts, that is, and took a knee in front of her. "That man in our brig should be dead. We should not have taken him onto the ship, nor should he still be breathing. However," She put her arm around Aimee's shoulders. "Francisco said something to Aimee that cannot be ignored. So, I have a decision to make and it's not a conclusion I can come to alone. He is our marked prey, but he also may know something that could affect us all. So I ask you, now, what would you have me do?"

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