Part One: Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter contains elements of fantasy action/violence.

December 1674, An Undisclosed, Unnamed Island in the Caribbean Sea

Aimee stepped off of the boat just as Margaret pulled it ashore alongside its missing companion they'd spotted on the beach from the ship. She jogged to the other boat and found Esme's axe resting within, picking it up. Margaret took it and secured it along her waist, then helped Aimee back to her feet as a harrowing cry echoed toward them. The crew all turned toward it and an ominous ambiance flooded the shore as the sun finally left the sky.

Holding her lantern in her hand higher to see just past several large boulders to their left, Aimee noticed someone was pushed out and onto the shore toward them. Well, seeing them was a bit of a stretch as they weren't close enough to shine their lanterns toward the scuffle. Regardless, two people were definitely fighting one another and Aimee's breath caught as another agony drenched yell echoed toward them. Aimee watched as Felipe stepped forward and twitched his head to the side. He squinted through the darkness and held his lantern up, then walked toward the people battling each other. Felipe raised his pistol and trained it on whoever was on top, but not quickly enough. The person straddled the other and another piercing, inhuman cry could be heard that seemed to rumble throughout the crew bringing them back to life in an instant.

They all ran toward them as if being called by something unknown and Aimee gasped as she recognized Genny twisting a knife into Esme's gut. Felipe was the first to arrive and tackled Genny off of her. Margaret ran toward her and pinned her to the ground with hands around her wrists as Felipe grabbed at her legs with one hand and yanked the rope along his waist free with his other. Most of the crew ran to them as they all struggled to secure Genny's hands and legs behind her back, her growls to break free encompassing the shore, but Aimee joined Gally and ran to the captain's side.

Esme was coughing up blood and writhing around like the blade was doing more than previously thought possible. Gally went for it, but it burned his hand the moment he touched its handle, then began to bury itself within her torso. Esme cried out as it disappeared within her and Genny's cackle could be heard right along with her.

"Try to save her if you want, Gally, but only I know how to remove that blade and you're just a cook. If you try to take it out of her, it will only cause her more pain."

She paused and the men and women atop her were sent flying off in all different directions. Felipe slammed into the boulders with a yelp and fell unconscious to the sand as Margaret was sent flying into the water nearby. She quickly regained her footing and was in the middle of rapidly approaching Genny, but stopped upon her next words.

"I am not Genny." Everyone got to their feet and stared at her expectantly. "I am Taria. Many of you never even met me when I was still in my rightful body, but sacrifices had to be made. Now, give her to me. Esme is claimed. Forever."

Margaret stepped out of the water, a ferocious glare flooding her features, and drew her cutlass. "Over my dead body."

She shrugged with a coy grin. "Fine."

Genny grabbed a vial from her pocket holding something dark and otherworldly within. She pulled the cork with her teeth and Margaret suddenly fell to the sand, gasping for air. She grasped at her throat as a thick cut mysteriously formed across it, releasing spurts of blood between her fingers and lips. She rolled over and another gash was swiftly swiped across her face before she lay completely still and the smoke began covering her entirety. It seeped into her nostrils and Aimee could no longer remain still. She stood to run to her side, but felt a tug on her leg. She glanced down and found Esme looking up at her in anguish.

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