Part One: Chapter Nine

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This chapter contains erotic/mature elements.

November 1674, The Caribbean Sea, Onboard the Midnight Beast, Captain's Quarters

Esme slammed Genny up against the door of her cabin and let out what sounded like a snarl loud enough to make anyone cringe. Genny didn't flinch, though, and took hold of her wrists. She looked at her with concern, but Esme wasn't there anymore. Not the Esme she knew. Genny warned her this would happen.

She patted her arm as she spoke to her as gently as she could. "Esme. I did what I had to do. Her wounds could have festered."

"There is plenty to choose from in the medicine cabinet, but you gave her Taria's medicine? How dare you! Do you realize what you've done? This is my ship and you are to do as told!"

Esme took hold of Genny's pullover and yanked her forward, tossing her across the room. She hit the desk and fell to the floor as she gasped for air that just wouldn't come to her and Esme bared down on her. Genny jumped back up to her feet, spitting some blood from her mouth upon realizing she'd bit her cheek, and latched onto Esme's wrist. Several loud knocks came from beyond the door and she swiveled toward it. Esme, definitely not in her right mind, made quick strides back toward the door, her entire body shaking almost as if being possessed by someone or something else.

Keeping her hold on Esme's wrist, Genny followed her as she called toward the door, "This does not concern you! Be gone, damn it!"

The knocking stopped, but Genny didn't hear any footsteps carrying the person away. Esme stepped closer to it, but Genny was at her back in a heartbeat and wrapped her arms around her.

"Let go! Get off of me!"

"Calm yourself, sailor! It's me! It's your Genny!"

With another growl, Esme shook herself free and spun around, shoving Genny away. She moved back toward the door, but Genny was on her yet again.

She went for her legs and tackled her to the floor. "Felipe! Pote medikaman an! Esme te pran twòp!" She heard footsteps finally leaving the vicinity and running away toward the main deck.

"No, I didn't take any more! Get off of me, Genny!" Esme sunk her teeth into her forearm and she heard banging from the other side of the door upon Felipe's return. Genny cried out and pulled back far enough for Esme to punch her square in the chest. As soon as Genny fell back, gasping for the air knocked from her lungs, she was on top of her and pinned her arms over her head. "Know your place, wench! I am not one of those dirty bastards you used as playthings in Tortuga! I--"

"You are my friend, Esme! My dearest friend!"

Esme stared down at her and paled. Blood stained Genny's cheek and she was having trouble breathing with where Esme perched along her chest. Esme glanced down at her arms and shuddered. Genny watched her veins visibly pulsing and darkening. Esme released her and crawled back toward her bunk. Genny hurriedly got up and made her way to her on her hands and knees, but Esme put her hands up for her to stay away. She ignored this and kept moving.

Genny cupped her cheeks and peered into her eyes. "Are you back, Esme? My Esme?"

Esme slapped her hands away and stood. She straightened her clothing and Genny watched her muscles visibly relaxing. She gave Genny a glare and she flinched back as she stood as well. "How could you? I told you no more."

"She is one of us now, Esme. You saw to that when you saved her before. What would you have had me do? Let her wounds get infected? You did not wish her dead, correct?"

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