14. Sweet Pastries

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"This looks like a good spot, right?" Seren pointed at a vacant patch of grass, towering trees surrounding the area

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"This looks like a good spot, right?" Seren pointed at a vacant patch of grass, towering trees surrounding the area.

Hoseok held the bag of food, looking at the area Seren guided them to. "Yeah, this spot is nice." He agreed with her judgment, taking a long look around the site.

It was almost secluded from the central area of the park, giving them the opportunity to peacefully wallow in one another's presence.

She truly liked him, and she wanted to elucidate it. Not with words, but through her actions.

"Great, and it looks like the sky is clear today." She giggled, unfolding the sheet for them to rest above.

Hoseok laughed, placing the bag down. "Here, I'll help you with that." He grabbed the other end of the sheet, assisting her.

The two coincided, deciding to have a congenial picnic together. They tried again with the park setting, fingers crossed that rain would not miraculously fall upon them.

Once the fitted white sheet was sprawled perfectly above the verdant grass, Seren invited herself to collapse above it. She shut her eyes, and a sigh of alleviation broke her lips, waving her arms above it as if she were creating a snow angel.

Hoseok's charming giggles had her open her eyes.

"Is it comfortable?" He pondered aloud, his temperate modulated voice softening her heart.

She smiled, turning her laying body to the side. "It is. Come, let's eat." Seren requested, patting the open space beside her.

Hoseok joined her, sitting as he brought the bag closer to the sheet.

Seren sat up, sitting a few feet in front of Hoseok, hoping to strike a conversation with him as they shared their meals together.

She wasn't trying to keep count of how long the two had been talking, she didn't want to put a time on their bond. If it so happened that they were ready for a relationship, Seren wouldn't worry about the amount of time they spent getting to know each other.

She felt she knew him well enough. There was a lot more to learn about him and who he was, but she was okay with waiting for the perfect moment to talk about the important aspects of their lives.

She had a vehement sense that things between them would effortlessly flow.

Seren handed him a bento box, taking out the foods she brought for them.

"You packed so much food for just the two of us." Hoseok watched her rummage through the bag, seeing many sweets and desserts at the very bottom.

She opened her food, grabbing utensils. "Sorry, I prefer sweet over savory."

"Oh, it's okay. I was just commenting." Hoseok expressed, placing the food in his mouth. "I can't argue. I love sweets, too."

His eyes shut, sighing to himself as he basked in the food Seren packed in the box.

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