chapter 47: a futuristic encounter. (part 1)

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(arc's light fleet, remnant orbit)

gary: avocato, it's been over a day since you died. i have to say i''re struggling here man. you told us to look after your boy, but i can barely look after myself. a lot of us think that you picked the wrong people to look after little cato. i guess what i'm trying to say is that....we miss you friend, we all do, even my mom and sisters, also jaune, who's on the way to a place called menagerie to meet blake's parents.... what do you think we should do, i-i need a sign man. you know, maybe rattle some glasses, or should i give your son some space or flicker the lights. you know just a little flicker if i should try harder. any ghost-related stuff at all would be great. or nothing, nothing works too.

he said as he turned off the hover camera and layed back on the seat he's on

(jaune POV)

we see juane and blake on a dropship, which is flying towards menagerie with juane being nervous because he's going to meet one of his GF's parents

blake: jaune, it's going to be ok.

jaune; i know but, what if your parents don't like me because...i'm human.

blake: don't worry, they'll understand.

she said as jaune smiled and the ship's pilot spoke up

pilot: commander, we're here.

he said as jaune put his helmet on and as the ship landed, they were met by a bunch of faunas, who were looking at juane as he said

jaune: don't worry, we're not atlas.

male faunas: how do we know you're not lying?

blake: because this is juane arc, he's the leader of the unknown group you heard about.

female faunas: are you serious?!

jaune: she is, but i'm here to meet your cheiftan to tell him about some personal stuff.

blake: so can you please move aside so we can go through?

she asked politely as another male faunas said

male faunas 2: well, she did say ''please''.

he said as the faunas group murmered in agreement and moved aside and let blake and jaune go through
(gary & ruby POV)

as gary and ruby were following little cato in a vent, we see then made their way to little cato's secret vent room as gary said

gary: hey, where'd you get these cookies?

little cato: you want them? they suck.

ruby: hey cookies do not-

she was cut off as gary said

gary: they do. they do suck. five years for these little round pieces of suckage!!

he said and as he sees ruby pout, he said

gary: sorry, ruby, i'm just trying to make your crush happy.

little cato: get to the point, i'm a busy guy.

he said as gary & ruby walked towards him and gary said

gary: all right, buddy. what can we do to make you happy?

ruby: name anything.

little cato: anything?

gary: freakin' anything.

little cato: anything?

ruby: gary just said freakin' anything.

little cato: can you two get me to the lord commander?

gary: possibly.

ruby: what do you want to do to him?

little cato: i want to slit his throat and splash out his life juice.

he said in a dark tone as ruby & gary were silent for a few seconds as gary said

gary: oh, good lord that's dark. okay, well...(chuckles) sounds like a fantastic idea, count me in. i never thought i'd be creating a murder squad with a small boy, but here we are.

he said as ruby started petting little cato's head


as jaune and blake made it to the belladonna household, blake was nervous as jaune said

jaune; you ok?

blake: it's just that, i haven't seen my parents in a long time.

she said in a sad tone as jaune placed his robo-hand on her shoulder

jaune: blake, it's ok.

he said to her with a smile and blake knocked on the door and as someone opened it, that someone was revealed to be blake's mom, kali belladonna and when she saw blake, her cat ears perked up and said

kali: blake?

blake:....hi, mom.

she said weakly as her cat ears folded down and kali hugged her daughter and said

kali: oh, my baby girl.

she said happily as they heard a man's voice

ghira: kali, who is it?

he asked and as he made it to the door, he was shocked that he's seeing his daughter after so long, but instead of sayingg anything, he smiled and said this as he sees juane

ghira: who are you?

he asked as juane removed his helmet and said

jaune: hi, mr. belladonna.

ghira & kali: jaune!!!!???

blake; wait, you two know him?

kali: of course, jaune's family are old friends of ours, except james when we heard the news when he--

jaune: actually, he made me an arc again after he realized his mistake.

ghira: he did?

jaune: yep.

kali: well, it's good that you're a member of the family again, jaune.

ghira: it definitely is, would you like to come inside?

jaune: gladly, but i have to tell you something important and why i'm wearing this armor.

blake: because what he'll tell you will be extremely shocking of what you're about to hear.

she said as they went inside of blake's home and the doors shut as the screen goes dark

(end of part 1, hope you liked it)

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