chapter 41: the beacon dance.

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it was all going good at the dance, the students were talking to each other, even gary, quinn, derrick (who's hanging out with team SSSN) and avocato, who's wearing his helmet when ozpin told jaune and his fleet that ironwood will be attending the dance, so jaune had to make sure that his cover won't be exposed in his presence

now we see jaune talking to his girlfriends (which are blake, velvet, and phyrra) and then as everyone started dancing, jaune said

jaune: anyone of you want to dance, if so? ladies first.

he said as blake rollder her eyes at the corniness

blake: after you, jaune.

jaune; thank you. but we can't have a dance without any music, DERRICK!!!

he said as derrick came up

derrick: yes jaune?

jaune: go up there and play the good stuff.

derrick: on it.

he said as he ran up to the DJ and said that he'll be taking over as he plugged his phone into the remnant computer and started to play a song made by NEFFEX called ''the itch''

while they were dancing through the song, we see the beacon student, even gary and quinn cheering for jaune and his GFs while cardin's jaw dropped on to the floor cuz jaune never danced like that before, sun was crying in a ball on the floor, sulking like he's in an anime

(like this)

Ironwood listened to the songs curiously as ozpin and glynda smiled at them

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Ironwood listened to the songs curiously as ozpin and glynda smiled at them

we see summer and her team walk towards ruby, who's smiling at jaune and blake having a good time, at the punch bowl, but she frowned at the though of something

summer: what's wrong, ruby?

tai: must be the heels.

ruby: no it's just that, i didn't have a date. yang and weiss are crying at my team's dorm because of students throwing paintball balloons while saying ''papaya'' at them.

raven: well, yang may be my daughter, but she deserved it for bullying jaune.

qrow; for once i agree with you sis.

tai: but as for the date comment, don't you have a boyfriend?

ruby: no, dad, i don't. but i wish i did.

she said as she noticed someone sneaking off

ruby: i'm sorry but i gotta use the restroom.

she said as she left to follow the stranger (aka cinder fall)

(meanwhie at the beacon CCT)

cinder knocked out the atlas guards outside, and cinder walked into the tower and began hacking into the main computer as according to the lord commander's plan. once she finished, she looks around to see if more guards came in, but no one came in until she heard an elevator ding and she hid from whoever exited the elevator and person is ruby with her crescent rose

ruby: hello?

she asked out loud while walking, but she staggered a bit because of her heels and looked around the room

ruby; is anyone there? hello?

she said as cinder remained hidden until she rose up from her hiding spot

ruby: excuse me. you know it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-

she was cut off when cinder used a dust magazine to summon an arsenal of dust crystals and fired at ruby, who deflected and started firing back at cinder, who deflected the attacks as well and summoned her a bow and 3 arrows, but before she fired at her, a laser round was shot at cinder, who fell to the ground unconcious, making ruby confused until

jaune: hi ruby.

he said as ruby turned around and see jaune, who's in his infinity gaurd suit

ruby: how did you know i was up here?

jaune: well-

before he could say anything, ironwood spotted him and pulled out his pistols, but before he could fire at him, jaune jumped out of one of the windows, making ruby and ironwood stare at shock as they see one of jaune's fleet's dropships and he said

jaune; hey ironwood, thanks for letting us take the spy ruby found.

he said as his dropship left, making ironwood say this to ruby in confusion

ironwood: ruby, is that one of the members of that unknown group i heard about a while back? you know, with the laser guns?

ruby: i- i don't know?

she lied because she didn't want to expose jaune and his fleet's cover and knowing ironwood, ozpin has a lot of  explaining to do as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)

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