chapter 42: rescue mission (part 1)

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after what happened at the dance, we see ruby sitting on a chair with general ironwood as he said

ironwood: so, ruby, what do you know about the unknown group?

ruby: i told you, i don't know anything about them except what my team saw on the--

she was cut off as ironwood spoke again

ironwood: ruby, please, i want to know the truth on who these people are and who's leading them, so please tell me...who's leading them?

he asked politely to ruby, who couldn't handle the pressure at keeping it a secret much longer, so she took a deep breath and said

ruby: it's jaune.

she said to ironwood, who became suprised that jaune, the former arc (even though he doesn't know that he's an arc again) is alive and that he's the leader of the unknown group (aka: the arc's light) as he said

ironwood: who else knows about him being alive?

ruby: (sigh) everyone at beacon, even professor ozpin.

she said to him, who became angry that his friend kept this from him as he said

ironwood: you're free to go, i'm gonna have a talk with ozpin.

he said to her as she got up and left

(in ozpin's office)

ironwood got off the elevator and yelled at ozpin


he said as glynda said

glynda: (growls) how did you know?

ironwood: simple, i asked ruby and she told me everything.

ozpin: including the fact that he became an arc again?

ironwood:yes that t---i'm sorry what?

ozpin: after he came back, he met his parents and became a member of his family once more, he traveled to another planet similar to ours and been on missions during a 20 year time gap. to jaune, he's been gone for 20 years, but in reality, he's been gone for 2 months until he and his fleet arrived here not too long ago.

glynda: and if you ask them about trading their weapons and space travel technology for atlas personell, then the answer is no because they're afraid that if the white fang get their hands on it, then there will be chaos throughout the galaxy.

she said until he heard a voice

???: sadly, the white fang already got space travel, remember ozpin.

they turned around and see jaune, along with his team, gary, quinn, avocato and nova

jaune: ruby told me what happened when you ''politely'' asked her about me from last night, and needless to say, we're disappoined in you ironwood.

ironwood: for what?

avocato: for being a terrible general, for letting the white fang take your weapons and other stuff you atlas scum claim to own, and for not doing anything to stop the sdc from enslaving faunus workers at the mines, such as the one we've raided and saved all the faunus at those mines and camps.

ironwood: what are you----wait a minute, THAT WAS ALL YOU!!!!!?????

gary: yes that was us. as for why, because back on earth, slavery and discrimination is illegal and immoral.

quinn: but except that earth has no faunus, but instead we used to enslave other humans of different race, skin color, etc...

nova: exactly, girl. up top!!!

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