VII. Head Over Heels

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       Chapter 7, Head Over Heels

  " Yeah, yeah, I'm working on my people skills. "

~ Karalynn's POV ~

      The night passed slowly, I felt more energized when my alarm went off which meant that I wouldn't be slamming it off, I got up and didn't waste any time making my bed and setting out my clothes.
   I grabbed my phone and walked to the bathroom, doing all of my business before rushing out, I didn't know what was the rush for but I knew that I wanted to be out the house and already in school with my friends.

   But as I got to the front door, grabbing my keys and racing outside of the door, I realized that I was just excited to see if the boy I had saw yesterday would be there again today, there's a slim chance that he would be there.
   There's a possibility that he lives near the diner and was just going home, or he was taking the bus to go home and he probably lived near me.

   I'm overthinking this, I know, I also know that I'm supposed to be looking after myself and giving myself some love but then again, maybe he was sent to me from the above to show me that not everyone is as bad as I thought.
   I've officially gone off the deep end, as I walked to the bus stop with my bookbag hanging on my right shoulder and my lunch box clutched tightly in my left hand, I sat down on the bench and waited.

   No sign of the boy, I sighed as I knew that I had gotten my hopes up and I shouldn't have, but it was too late, the bus arrived and I sluggishly got on.
  Taking my seat in the back of the bus, I always loved sitting in the back of the bus, especially when it's raining only because I didn't like being around anyone that I didn't know.

   My mind works wonders as I busied myself with thinking of the ending of high school, I didn't know what college I wanted to go to nor did I have any clue with what I wanted to do when I get older, I just wanted to get out of this town and pretend that I didn't have any family.
   That's what I wanted, it sounds bad and I know people are going to tell me that I should be grateful for my family but why would I be grateful for a bunch of people that can't even love me the right way? I don't need anyone in my life who was just going to make me feel insane.

    As I looked out the window and stared at the blurred scenery, I felt as if someone had sat down beside me but I knew better than to look because people can't be weird.
   So I just kept my eyes on the window when the trees began to show, I looked at the darker spots and nearly pissed my pants.

   It was the boy from yesterday, what do I do? What should I say? So many things to say and do that I couldn't figure out which to use when the bus came to a stop and the school was now shown.
  Missed opportunity, Karalynn, missed opportunity..

    I got up and began walking down the steps from the bus when I had missed one and almost fell, crushing my nose and literally getting dirty, I felt a pair arms reach for mine and pulled me back.
  My heart was racing not because of the person that held onto me, well also because of that but because I could have had a terrible accident.

    "I, I am so sorry, I wasn't looking at the steps and completely missed the last one which is ironic because two years ago a little girl died because she missed a step and fell, which means that I could have been the next victim and-"

    "S'alright, just watch out next time, yeah?"

  A soft voice interrupted my rambling, I opened my eyes that I hadn't realized were squeezed shut and turned around slowly to check who exactly caught me form falling, my knees buckled and I nearly fell again.
   His grasp grew a little tighter because of that and smiled slightly before removing his left hand and keeping his right in contact with my left forearm, I smiled back at him.

   "Yeah, sorry again."

  I mumbled as I looked into his blue eyes, they were like oceans and I loved oceans, he smiled at me before slowly removing his hand from my forearm.
   Finally catching myself staring, I cleared my throat and got off the bus, carefully this time because I didn't want him to think that I was always clumsy.

     When my feet caught the ground, I booked it, I didn't look back and just ran inside of the school and searched for my friends just so that I can tell them what exactly I just went through.
    Excitedly, I found Dana and ran to her before engulfing her in a huge bear hug before moving back and immediately spewing out the details.

    "He reads books? Willingly? Damn, dude's a nerd."
Dana snorted as she opened her locker, when she looked at me,  she sighed and rolled her eyes.

   " Yeah, yeah, I'm working on my people skills. "

  I nodded my head slowly before we walked to our homeroom class together, she listened intently but I knew she was secretly judging the hell out of the boy.
   Who doesn't find boys who read attractive? It's the best thing ever to me.

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