XIII. Our First Hang Out

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      Chapter 13, Our First Hang Out

   " This is, really nice Ashton. "

~ Karalynn's POV ~

    It was now the weekend, the two days that I love with all my heart because I get to spend the weekend at anyone's house and don't have to worry about anything, although I feel bad for leaving myself, that didn't mean I was going to give up my life for her.
   Our parents chose to have another one, nobody put a gun to their head and told them that they had to bring out my sister or else, they did that in their own free will and that's not my problem.

    As I walked to the mall, which was pretty far away but I didn't want to order an Uber or ask my parents to take me, I was listening to music because I can't walk or do anything in silence because that's just weird and uncomfortable for me.
   I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings, I didn't need to either because their were barely any hate crimes in this town, so I was able to go wherever and nothing would happen to me.

   Other places didn't have the safety that this town did, I didn't understand why people would wake up and choose to harm others simply because they had a bad day or something traumatic happened to them, not everyone has a bad life like you.
   But then there's some with mental illnesses that refuse to get the help they need or they're just ignoring their medications or feel like they don't belong in this world and decide to take a few people out with them, I think about this all the time.

    When I got to the mall, I waited outside a bit because my music got an ad and it was unskippable, that means that I'm not going inside until I have some music playing in my ears.
   My music finally decided to play which means that I would be going inside, I had some money in my wallet but I didn't know what I wanted to spend it on just yet, so I walked around for a bit.

    I got to forever 21 and walked inside, I didn't know what I wanted from the store because I had so much clothes already and my closet was a mess already so I shouldn't buy anything, but I saw the cutest baby tee and needed to have apart of my wardrobe asap.
   As I looked around with the shirt in my hand, I took out my earbuds just to see if the music they were playing would be any good and it was, they were playing 'Until I Found You' by Stephen Sanchez, I adored this song.

    I swayed a little bit to the music as I continued my search for unnecessary but very much desirable clothes before walking to the register and paying for what I got and leaving the store with a happy face.
   When I walked out of the store, I looked around and tried seeing if their was a store that would feed into any obsession that I had and there was, I walked to hot topic and looked around in hopes that there was pop figures.

    I walked all the way to the back and smiled as I found the pop figures, I wanted a Hermione Granger pop figure because I didn't have one, I looked around and sighed when there was no sight of one.

    "Is there something you're looking for that you can't find?"

    I turned around, startled at the sudden voice, I smiled at Ashton as he smiled back at me.

   "Hey Ashton, I was looking for a Hermione Granger pop figure, that's all."

   I greeted the pretty boy in front of me before turning around and looking for the pop figure, when I did find it, it was on a shelf that was a little higher for me.
    Ashton stood beside me and watched me struggle, I wasn't the type to ask for help when I needed it and I'm guessing that he's using this to his advantage, oh how I hate people.

    "Need help there princess?"

  He asked with a smug look on his face, I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded my head before he walked behind me, he placed a hand on my waist and pressed his chest against my back before grabbing the pop figure for me.
   I couldn't stop my mind from going places, my breath got stuck in my throat as he removed his hand from my waist and smiled as he handed the pop figure to me, I felt my cheeks heat up but thanks to my melanin, he couldn't see the blush.

    "Do you want to go to the park with me, we can talk some more and you can tell me if you have an unhealthy obsession with pop figures."

    Ashton suggested as we walked to the register together, I looked at him, contemplating if I should take his offer and get to know him better.
   I mean everyone needs to get to know one another better before deciding how good of a person they are, so I nodded my head and paid for the pop figure.

    His hand found its way to mine and he grabbed it gently, I didn't bother looking down because the butterflies are going wild just by his touch, imagine how insane they would go when they see his hand holding mine?
   I was a sucker for slow burn novels, everything about the tension that the two characters had was exhilarating but feeling this way with Ashton even though we've only known about each other's existence for a week is new.

    As we made our to the park, I had to keep in mind that this is our first hang out together and it's strictly only going to be for getting to know one another, I didn't want him thinking that I was weird or anything.
   So I prepared myself for the questions in my head as we walked to the swing set and sat, only moving a little bit but just enough for our feet to drag on the ground.


    " This is, really nice Ashton. "

   I muttered as I held onto his hand as we walked around the park together, the sun went down but we didn't want to go home just yet, he had told me everything about himself and I did the same.
  The stars shined brighter than I ever thought they could, Ashton agreed with me as we walked out of the park and began to walk to the bus stop.

   Our first hang out and we got along pretty well, it was like this was written in the stars and everyone in the galaxy was getting ready for this, I believe in soulmates but never believed that I would meet mine, I'm excited.

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