II. Screw Summer Loving

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      Chapter 2, Screw Summer Loving

   " No, it was literally the worst thing that I ever had to experience, and I once had to take care of my whole family because of food poisoning. "

~ Karalynn's POV ~

      "I hate August and I hate the summer, ugh!"

  I angrily walked up to my room, slammed the door shut and plopped down on my bed, facing down on my pillow as I began to scream into it.
   Allowing all the anger and frustration to flow out of me as if I was puking it out, I hated the beach from now until forever and I will not be going back.

  It felt good to scream everything out until my vocal cords began to feel weird, that's when I remembered that I would be losing my voice if I kept this up and just lied there.
   When I finally sat up, I looked at the wall and sighed before walking off of my bed and walking to go take a nice shower so that I can change my bedsheets and lay down.

    Here's what happened at the beach, the stupid damn beach where I met the stupidest damnedest guy there, forbid me from falling in love, because I never want to do it ever again.
   I mean, yeah it was the first time I met him and yeah he was just a beach boy but that doesn't mean the slightest bit of attention doesn't make me fall head over heels, I'm just angry at myself.

    So everything was going well for me, I mean we flirted a lot and even got to know one another which was good because we began to get somewhere, he was a sweet and generous person so I was glad to have met him, I even began to mentally thank Isabella for forcing md to come.
   Then it became to take a turn for the worse when he tried to get with Isabella, it was like he was using me to get to her and that hurt a lot more than just rejecting me.

    I hated that moment but I didn't hate Isabella, I mean she's so pretty and I, myself would have flirted with her, but you can't use her friend to get with her.
   Now that's just plain wrong, Isabella splashed sand in his face as she grabbed my hand and packed our things, we left the beach but I didn't say anything the whole ride home.
    It wasn't out of anger towards her but I was just shocked that I was just being played or used for my friend, boys seriously never fail to amaze me.
   Once I finally got out of my hellfire shower, I walked to my ice cold room and began to put on my clothes when my phone started to ring.

    I groaned as I grabbed it and answered the call, it was just Isabella calling to check up on me and to make sure that I had gotten into my home safely as she was taken home quickly after I was dropped off, I smiled at her concerns and told her everything went smoothly.
   Ignoring her apologies for the Tanner dude, I began to go downstairs and tell her that I was hungry and that I was going to cook.

    " No, it was literally the worst thing I ever had to experience, and I once had to take care of my whole family because of food poisoning. "

    I joked, Isabella stopped her constant apologizing and smiled at me, that's when we dropped the subject and began to speak about something else that wasn't making me uncomfortable or her apologize every two minutes.
    So we spoke about school and how it'll be starting soon, I already went back to school shopping and got all the clothes that I would be needing for the year, the only thing I didn't do was pack my bookbag.

    After dinner, I'll pack it so that I wouldn't forget, I didn't like forgetting things because they begin to aggravate me and I always get angry, it kills my whole mood.
   Does it kill yours? Knowing you need something but you don't have it so now you have to suffer in silence or ask someone to borrow theirs? Or is that just me.

    I decided to cook Macaroni and Cheese because that's the only thing I was craving, it's also the only thing I'm allowed to make without parental supervision, I burn almost everything in my grasp but it's never that.
   All I know is that I wasn't about to burn down my house down over some food that I could ask my parents to either buy or make me, then again, I wouldn't really ask either.

    "We should have a spa day before the first day of school, a little destressing before we get all stressed out."

    Isabella suggested as she popped a grape into her mouth and smiled at me, I looked at her and agreed with her idea before pouring the cheese onto the plain macaroni, I loved cheese but I didn't like it a lot to the point where I needed to only taste it.
   Grabbing my bowl of mac and cheese, I walked to the dining area and sat down to eat it before walking back to the kitchen to grab myself something to drink before I choke to death.

    "Alright, I'm gonna call you tomorrow, please don't choke to death on your dinner."

    I dryly laughed at Isabella before saying my goodbyes to her and then hanging up the phone before I finished my dinner, I walked to the sink and just left my dishes there because today was my sister's day to do the dishes.
   Always make a bigger mess when you don't have to clean it, siblings can get angry with you but they'll never do anything physical to you because they don't wanna do more chores, play smart nor hard people.

    I walked upstairs and lied down on my bed, thinking of all the ways the first day of school could go, a little nervous but that's all I was.
   I can handle a bunch of kids trying to find their way in life, they're just as lost as I am.

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