VI. A Certain Blue Eyed Boy

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     Chapter 6, A Certain Blue Eyed Boy

     " You don't understand, his eyes are the same color as my Nikes, I think I'm in love. "

~ Karalynn's POV ~

  When my shift was over, I clocked out and said my goodbyes to everyone before leaving the diner, as much as I didn't want to leave the diner and have Harley lock up with Shirley, I knew that if I didn't get home soon, I'd be in big trouble.
   I wasn't supposed to leave home without mentioning anything to anyone but I didn't think they would care, my parents acted as if they didn't care so it makes sense that I thought this way, right?

    As I was walking to the bus stop, I sat down on the bench and pulled my phone out to text a message to my parents, I didn't want to call them because they would just scream at me and I cannot handle public embarrassment or humiliation, it made me feel like I needed to throw up.
   So I sent the message and then turned my phone off to pay attention to my surroundings, I caught myself staring a blonde haired boy who had his nose in his book.

   He had earbuds in to block out any noise that was unwanted and he gave off the vibe that he would rather study than go out and drink at parties, I absolutely was in love with those types of boys and girls, they were literally the best type of person.
  I'm guessing I was staring both too hard and too much because he looked up and we met eyes, I wasted no time in looking away with flushed cheeks.

   The absolute embarrassment of being caught by someone you were staring at was something that couldn't be shaken away, you needed someone to do something equally or more embarrassing to clear up the nerves but nobody was around me to do that, but oh how his eyes looked like they could replace the sky.
   He had the softest look on his face but if hardened when he looked at me, I didn't want to give off the impression that I was staring because he was weird and I didn't like weird, I was staring because I had felt as if he was someone that I knew and more attractive.

    Not like I'm going to tell him that though, he doesn't need to know my thoughts, you don't either but I can't really get rid of you, now can I? That's a trick question because I easily can, except for the ones who refuse to leave.
   When the bus came, I got on quickly not wanting him to get up and walk over to me to ask why I was staring, that was something so awkward and that question will just have to manage to be unanswered.

   I'm good at that, ignoring and avoiding questions as if they were the plague, I just couldn't stand the awkwardness of asking it, same way with answering it.
   Quickly, I took my phone out and put my earbuds in to listen to some music, music always calmed my mind when I begin to overthink or I need something to get rid of the bad energy I've created.

   Basically the embodiment of, I'm very uncomfortable with the energy that we've created in the studio today, I just kept my eyes down at my feet, I didn't want to end up staring at him and he catches me again.
   Getting caught once was just something that could happen to anyone, getting caught twice just means your bad at looking away when you need to, and now getting caught three times just means your fully down bad for this person.

   My stop was finally here and I have never stood up so quickly to run off of the bus, I didn't even turn back to see if the boy was looking at me, although it would have been nice to know if he was, maybe he would like my shoe game or he would think I was pretty.
   I mean, I know I'm pretty but the real question that actually needs to be answered is, does he think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm pretty as well?

   All these questions but zero answers, I walked into my house and got greeted with both parents lecturing me about leaving the house without saying anything, I just rolled my eyes discreetly and nodded my head before walking upstairs to my room.
   I didn't need the lecture they were giving me because I would just end up doing it again, this is what happens when you throw away your whole bond with your daughter for some stupid stuff.

    When I got to my room, I changed my clothes and put on my pajamas before snatching my phone off the bed and plopping down, I dialed Kiana's phone number and waited for her to answer.
   She had the flash light on whenever her phone would ring, it was to notify her for everything, I had to set it up because she was getting aggravated that it wasn't working the first try.

    Once she finally answered the call, I bombarded her with the drama and told her everything about the mysterious blue eyed boy who probably thinks I'm weird for staring at him, what if he went to our school and he sees me? He would remember who I am and then tell everyone.
  I didn't want people thinking I'm weird for having a stare at someone that I found attractive, I didn't want people to hold that against me for the rest of my highschool life, that's just horrible.

   "You're looking too in this, he's just a boy."

  Kiana signed to me as she walked to her bed and lied down, I looked at her as if she just stabbed me in the heart, I couldn't believe she just told me that he was just a boy.

   " You don't understand, his eyes are the same color as my Nikes, I think I'm in love. "

   I gushed away to my best friend, she rolled her eyes and allowed me to ramble on about the boy that I saw at the bus stop, giving her insight whenever and wherever it is needed.
   Although I explained that he could have been my soulmate, she had to remind me that I was focusing on myself this year and that I shouldn't begin to look into anyone until I know I'm ready.
   The bad part is, i hate how right she is when it comes to me.

  Really ticks me off at times.

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