X. Arcade

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    Chapter 10, Arcade

  " Sometimes, I just wish that you would remember you have another daughter too, but wishes don't come true and that's a fact. "

~ Karalynn's POV ~

    "Stop moving Cameron, it'll hurt even more!"

  I complained as I grabbed the rubbing alcohol pads and began to rub them on his eyebrow as the blood began to spill our slowly, he grunted and grabbed my arm with a swift movement and I looked at him.

   "It hurts Kara, you can't expect me to feel all high and mighty when you're practically burning my skin off!"

   Cameron seethed as I placed the rubbing alcohol pad back onto his eyebrow, I looked at him and began to blow on the open wound, I knew that it hurt a lot but it had to be disinfected before I put anything on it.
   He closed his eyes and did his best to relax his muscles on his face, I finished with the pad and grabbed Neosporin to place it on his wound so that it doesn't get infected and so it could get better quicker.

    I placed a bandaid on it and kissed it better before walking away to my bathroom to put the items and supplies away.
  When I got back, Cameron was grabbing his things and placing them back into his bookbag, Kiana had already left to go home so it was just us two but he was really sweet to be around.

    "I'm gonna head home now, goodnight Kara."

  Cameron smiled at me, I smiled back and walked him down the stairs and opened the door for him, locking it when he left.
   My parents were in the kitchen discussing whatever the hell their hearts desired as I walked to the living room to pick up the mess they and their younger daughter had left, some times I feel like I'm a maid in this home.

    As I cleaned everything up and grabbed a small wipe to clean everything and get rid of the germs that they might have left and brought into our home, my parents walked into the living room with a stern look on their face.
   Nothing different from that anyways, they never had a smile on their face whenever they looked at me and I couldn't even get upset over that anymore.

    "I see you've been talking to boys, was he your boyfriend?"

   My father asked me, it felt weird calling them my parents when my younger sister calls me mom, although I always correct her, it just shows how much they've been around.
   I looked at him and shook my head, I didn't have the guts to speak to them, not right now anyways.

   "He's a friend that I made just today, he's a nice person but I don't even know him like that."

   I finally spoke up before they said something other about him, I didn't like it when my parents talked bad about every single person they have ever met, it's like they needed to find something bad about that said person to talk bad about them.
   Were they that insecure about themselves and their parenting that they have to bring anyone and everyone down to make themselves feel better? For adults, you should know better.

   "Yeah he's a friend now and then he's in your bed, is that why he came over today?"

   My mother asked me, I clenched my fists and ended sticking my nails straight into my skin, digging deeper as blood began to draw and show itself but I didn't care.
   I hated when they began to ask me those type of questions, they make it seem like I'm some stranger in the house that brings every guy she sees inside, I'm not that type of person and it just ticks me off.

   First I have to babysit the child that I never birthed, then I have to work a job to provide for myself because they are so incompetent of taking care of their oldest daughter and now they're questioning my innocence?!
   What type of parenting is that? Am I such a damn competition to them that they have to try and make up this fake person up in their mind?

  " Sometimes, I just wish that you would remember that you have another daughter too, but wishes don't come true and that's a fact.  "

   But I didn't say that, I wish I did and I should have said it but instead, I walked up the stairs and slammed my door shut, ignoring the yellings of my parents for slamming the door and possibly waking up my sister.
   The daughter they never take care of, the daughter they chose to have and left me in charge with, I wanted to cry all of my feelings out and take a break from the world, I didn't like this feeling, it's the feeling of betrayal that's always there stabbing at my heart.

    I sat down on the floor, in the corner of my room as I held tightly onto the LED lights and flipped them to dark blue, I closed my eyes as I began to cry with all of my soul, I didn't want them to love me or care for me but to understand me.
   That's all I wanted, was for parents to understand me even if they couldn't spend all their love and affection on me, they could at least respect and understand everything about me.

    That's all I ever asked for, for parents to understand me even if they don't love me and care for me, I really don't understand why parents even think about this.
   You birthed us but can't think for a second that we're actually here and need someone to care for and need some protecting?

    Don't give birth if you can't love or care for anyone other than your damn self


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