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Abeni sat at the dining table, her appetite seemed to be on holiday. Femi raised his head up and looks at her, then looked at his mother, who had eaten the third spoon of her dish with her comfort.

Femi sighs and then clears his throat to distract Abeni.


Femi called but Abeni had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear when Femi called.

Femi sighs.


Femi called again but she still did not respond either to it. He had no choice but to hit the table to get her attention. Both his mother and Abeni jerked up.

“Kilode? (What?) What was that for eh Femi!”

His mother said first.

“Babe are you okay?”

Femi asked, totally ignoring what his mother asked him. Abeni shakes her head for a no while a tear dropped from his eyes. Femi looks at his mother and went over to where Abeni was and carries her to the bedroom. Mrs. Ayo looks at how Femi had ignored him, and how bad Abeni was feeling, she drops her fork and rested her back on the chair as her appetite was barely alive.

Femi drops Abeni on the bed and sits beside her rubbing her palms and looking at her eyes.

“What is really disturbing you, dear?”

Femi said looking at her eyes, he too needed emotional support.

“You could go on a personal vacation, to clear up your mind, I could order a ticket for you now”

Abeni looks at Femi and hugs him as she cries on his shoulder. Femi pats her back and leans on her too. If there was any couple goal one should imitate the love style of Femi and Abeni. They are both understanding to each other and they love and respect each other.

“We are in this together.”

Abeni said holding Femi’s face while hers was wet and moist.


“I’m really sorry, I wouldn’t have gotten you into this mess, if I knew all this”

Abeni shakes her head for a No to make him say less of what he was saying.

“No, no! don’t say it; we are in this together.”

Abeni said as she hugged him back. Femi hugged her back and kissed her neck.

Mrs. Ayo comes in slowly into the room and saw how they held themselves, she feels very bad, but she waited for them to enjoy their moments first.

Femi turns around and see’s her but he is too pained to talk to her, he just thought of how hard it was for her too when she was younger just like Abeni. Abeni turns and looks at Mrs. Ayo and back to Femi and rests her head on Femi’s chest, her hands wrapped around his waist, Femi kissed her forehead.

“I love you. “

Femi whispered

“I love you too.”

she whispered the same.

Femi turns and looks at his mother again who stayed still on the wall of their room, but Femi still will not say a word to her either.

“Let go get ice cream, mm.”

Abeni nods her head for a yes and opens her arms, signifying that she wants Femi to carry her. Femi does what she asked for and reached the door, looks at his mother and takes his car keys from the door, and leaves, still not saying a word to her.

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