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Rotimi is one you could call weird, she had a phone but you'll never see her on any socials.

Holding her phone fixed to her hands and then she remembered her mother has slapped her the other day, she gets up Immediately from her bed and heads out

"Mum!, Mum!!"

She said in screams so loud, Femi opens his room door and looks at Rotimi who won't stop banging at her mother's room door

"What's the issue Rotimi?"

Ignores him.

"Mum! Mum!! "

Femi stood frozed looking at Rotimi.

" wait! did you just ignore me?"

Ignores him.

"Mum!! I'm going to get this room and you ablaze if you don't come out here and get ell me what you he heck was that yesterday"

Femi seeing to it that Rotimi won't respond to him, he went inside his room, came out with a sound that affects Rotimi and played it on Max volume. Rotimi immediately turned to him.

"Turn down the music"

Rotimi ignored him. The song was already getting the best of her.

"Turn off the music Femi"

With both hands covering her ears she looked at Femi who seemed to be having fun, she rages towards him in anger, took his music box and crashed it to the floor, the music ceased then Femi turned around immediately and looked at her.

"What did you do?"

Rotimi stood looking at Femi who still had the balls to talk to her. Her vision was getting blur, the sound had a way of making her feel dizzy and fainty.

Femi looked at her upset, then continued the music on his phone.

"Can you just stop?"

She said in a very faint voice.

"What are you going to do about it? destroy my phone too? "

Her mother having known the effect that particular music has on her, she opened her door slowly, Rotimi was on her way reaching out to get the phone when she fainted, her mother rushed out immediately, Femi too was stunned.

"What have you done Femi?? what??"

"Let's take her to the hospital, than to ask me what happened, it's all your fault you know"

Femi said putting back the blame on his mother. They saw how wasted time had gone, Mrs. Ayo took Rotimi to her room and kept Ice on her head so she wake up just fine.  Femi looked at her broken music box.


"And this was a gift to me.... just wake up you will give it back to me"

Femi muttered as he got back into his room.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ayo was inside Rotimi's room, looking at her.

"Chai! Rotimi! you've really changed, you've changed badly, I don't even know what you want to become anymore, you know what respect to elders mean to me, you should know.... "

Mrs. Ayo said as she heaves a sigh.. Rotimi still laid dead.

" Be fine okay! "

Her mother said as she left the room and heads down stairs.

Rotimi was quite younger, at ten, after her dad's death, she still went to school no doubt, but there's this girl who truly for no good reason loved to lick on Rotimi having known that her weakness was her father.

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