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Two minutes after the event, the officers rushed in but it was two minutes late, the man's blood wrote a note on a piece of paper. Sam and Boluwatife were already in.

" damn! This person is damn good"

Boluwatife commended

Sam looks around and finds the note written in blood.

" the W.O.S.I DEATH"

" the wosi death? What's that supposed to mean ?"

Boluwatife asked still looking at the two letters on the man's body.

" and what is this supposed to mean too?"

Boluwatife asked again.

Sam turned looking at the man,

" how would a man die in two minutes"

" the Killer had dinner with him, he drank"

Sam was confused

" how did you know that ?"

" in movies too.... Serial killers don't have a particular Style or pattern of killing, but they always leave clues"

" clues for what ?"

" to find them"

Sam turned his face off Boluwatife and Sighs. Moving closer to the man, there was a white residue on his lips and Boluwatife brought a glass of drank milk to him

Sam saw it and sighed

" dinner right ! "

" dinner "

Sam answered getting up and goes outside . Taking the evidential items outside . Sights the D.I

" this is no normal murderer sir "

" are you scared of this person ? "

Sam pauses and looked at the D. I

" your God will definitely see you through, I hope Tife isn't giving you troubles "

The D.I said going away from Sam's presence. Sam Sighs and walks back in, at the man's body was taken away.


Drinks and drop the bottle.

" I was never close to you so why do- wait you're Sam right!, from the Academy?"

" yes"

" oh! I'm sorry. Seyi used to talk about you to me. I'm Femi"

They shook hands and took drinks.

" so what brings you here?"

" I'm dealing with a very complicated case file and-"

Interrupted when Rotimi walks in

" hi there Rotimi"

" hello Sam, Femi are the computer system in here still working? "

" yes"

" where are they? "

" Hall 2"

Rotimi dismissed their presence. Femi sighs.

" let me guess, she's back to drugs right"

Femi nods.

Sam sighs.

" the heart!"

" I think she's just so obsessed with people that comes into her life"

" it's her heart desire. Anyways I don't still know about this killer"

Obsession... Heart desireWhere stories live. Discover now