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Oluwaseyi won't let the sun rays even touch her skin, Rotimi turns around slowly and Oluwaseyi kept guiding her body. She opens her eyes fully to discover where she has been.

Looks at Oluwaseyi. Jerks up.

"What's wrong with you? why are you here? and where I'm I? "

" See, Rotimi, I'm so sorry for what happened, I literally didn't mean to walk out on you, I didn't dump you, I... I.... "


" I don't want to hear it"

She sits erect and finds her mother and Femi looking at her. Mrs. Ayo was in pains, she was literally crying, but she knows who Rotimi has become, almost heartless to her tears.

"What are you doing here?"


"How dare you open your mouth to speak my name, how dare you"

Rotimi said in anger.

" But she's your mother"

Femi said.

"And who are you to open your mouth and talk to me?, who??, Oluwaseyi send these people out, I don't want to see them.

"But Femi is right, She's your mother"

"Oh....!, Who's side are you on?"

She asked in anger.

Oluwaseyi sighs, in order to explain things to her.


she cuts in angrily.

"It's either you send her out of this place or I'll go out myself"

Oluwaseyi looks at her and heaves a sigh.

" Are you going to do it or not?"

She screamed.

Her mother looks at Femi as Oluwaseyi went to them but Femi resented him from touching him.

"I'm disappointed in you Seyi"

Oluwaseyi looks at Femi.

" I thought you're supposed to teach her some manners, what did you even do to her, what's your difference with you in her life? she's just as drunk and worthless as before".

" Hey! Hey!! watch it"

Oluwaseyi said looking at Femi who was so upset.

"You know what, you should learn to stay out of people's family issues okay, "

Femi said pushing him to  go meet Rotimi, goes straight to her face

"You know what, I don't care anymore, weather you rot in hell or in jail it's none of my business, you hear me"

Femi shouted.

" It's not like you cared either, no no, you tell me, when last did you ask me if I was hungry or happy if I was sick or well, when last? you're not even worthy to be a first son because you don't even have a voice, shame on you Femi, shame on you"

Rotimi fired back.

Out of anger, Femi raised his hands on her,and Oluwaseyi runs and pushes him off.

"What did you do that for bro?"

Femi looks at Rotimi who already started crying. Femi looks at Oluwaseyi and points at him.

"Let's go"

He said to his mother as he walked in front of her.

Oluwaseyi looks at Rotimi and was about holding her to comfort her.

Obsession... Heart desireWhere stories live. Discover now