"What's a Dybbuk Box?" Jett asks with his arms crossed around his chest.

I thought those went extinct.

"It's a box that contains something evil inside." I fill him in.

"It's old Jewish folklore that isn't a hoax like most people think. The grey wax that is sealing it tells me that if whatever is in here gets let out, the world will be out of balance."

"We initially came here to know who killed her. Will you be able to find out by this box?" I ask, hoping I won't have to go back to that house.

"The spirit sees everything. Perhaps whatever is in this box is what killed her, but I won't know unless I open it and communicate with it." Dahlia confirms.

Damned if we open it, damned if we don't.

"What will happen if you open it?" Wyatt asks while tugging at his hair nervously.

Dahlia laughs, "so many things, dear. But I will show this spirit respect and courtesy, hopefully that'll keep the natural anger at bay."

"Open in." I order.

Wyatt looks at me with widened eyes, "dude, really?" He says as he takes a step back.

"Yes. We need to know." I tell him.

Jett rolls his eyes as Wyatt keeps his distance from the wooden Dybbuk.

"Okay, I have to open this carefully. Hand me that." Dahlia points to a grey candle on the shelf behind me.

Once I give it to her, she lights it and says some sort of prayer.

I've met a few witches in my life, all say weird prayer things.

"I will need this once we're finished, keep it close no matter what." She says referring to the candle.

I nod and hear Wyatt groan in anxious pain.

Dahlia begins to slowly chip away the grey wax, "weird things will start happening once this is opened."

I nod, waiting for this to finally be over and know what and who is in the damn box.

As Dahlia continues to chip away at the wax, an unsettling feeling grows in the air around us. I know Wyatt can feel it by the smell of his sweat.

The lights above us flicker a few times but return to normal, but the eerie feeling continues to grow.

"Only a little bit more." She whispers.

A plate from her sink flies across the room, smashing into pieces next to Wyatt.

"Fuck this. Fuck all of this." He whispers to himself, making Jett and I quietly chuckle.

The box trickles open, leaving only faint black smoke as whatever was inside, leaves.

The room falls quiet as Dahlia looks inside the box.

"I'm going to talk to it before I go over what's inside." She tells us.

Her wrinkled eyes close, her head leans against the back of the chair as she silently speaks to whatever this is.

After a few minutes, the flights flicker again then return to normal as Dahlia is taken out of her trance.

"We have ten minutes before all hell breaks loose. So, inside there is a ten shekel coin, which is Israeli currency," she shows us the coin and returns it to the box, "this is the name of who is in the box," she holds up one of the oldest pieces of paper I've ever seen and on it is the name Miladir, "he is the god of hell, and this is dried Cistus Salviifolious or just white rockrose. A native flower to Israel, then ashes of what I think was an animal at some point." She whispers something quickly then shoves the lid of the box closed.

"Hand me that candle, quick." She holds out her empty hand to receive the candle I hand her.

She pours the wax onto the lid, securing it closed.

"Is it back in?" Wyatt shivers.

"We can only hope." She sighs.

I notice a red welt forming around her arm.

"What happened?" I point to her arm to which she pulls it behind her back.

"Nothing, it doesn't mean anything."

"So, what did this Ma-" Jett starts

"Don't! Don't say his name." She freaks with a new scratch forming on her cheek.

"Your friend was murdered by a woman named Tammy. Now you three have to leave." She shuffles around the kitchen table.

"Dahlia, tell me what's happening." I stand my ground, refusing to leave.

"He's trying to kill me, if you three want to live, you'll leave." Her tone of voice shows me how serious she is.

Wyatt almost trips over his own two feet running out the front door as Jett slowly backs away.

"Please, my family has helped yours and yours has helped mine for centuries, don't die for me." Dahlia whispers as a chunk of her already short white hair falls to the floor.

"Tell me how to stop it." I demand.

"It only wants me, I traded myself for that information, now go! Please!" She begins to almost yell in pain, gripping her stomach.

My father's voice enters my thoughts, don't get attached to humans, they die too easily.

I'm falling in love with a human already.

"I'm sorry." I whisper into her ear as I kiss the back of her head before leaving.

I know almost nothing about Dybbuk Boxes, I wish I knew how to help that woman.

Another soul to add to the list of poor humans I've killed.

Once I get into the car, my phone rings. Zoey's name flashes on the screen.

"Hey, love." Wyatt and Jett perk up, knowing who I'm talking to.

"What?" I almost yell, "I'm on my way, love. Don't move."

I hang up the phone and slam my foot on the gas, making everyone jolt backwards against the seats.

"What's going on?" Jett yells over the roar of my engine.

"The restaurant caught fire and Zoey is in the hospital with Poppy."

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After researching what a Dybbuk Box has done to other people, I never would want to even see one in real life. Do you believe in supernatural entities?

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