UA Exam & All Might's Regrets

Start from the beginning

"I can be delicate," All MIght grumbled.

"You are not a child get over it," Gran Tarino said and Toshinori immediately got back to normal. 

As such, I ordered them all into seclusion and to start training. I created profiles for them all and gave them things to work on.

"Great more trouble for heroes," Bakugo said which earned him a few questions and looks, "if you think a random thug with a powerful quirk is a problem then think that same thug with the nerds training."

After hearing that explanation all they could do was sigh as it added another wrinkle to their forehead.

Other gangs were confused when one of the main gangs in the area just went dark on them but they soon found out what happened as they themselves were approached with an offer to join the Verdant organization.

"So you guys are like a salesman now?" Kaminari snickered.

"No no, more like a pyramid scheme," Sero said and both of them shared a hearty laugh.  

Some thought it was a joke and declined the offer and told Izuku'srepresentatives to shove it. While a few considered it and joined since one of the main gangs had joined it. They knew that an entire gang that had that much power wouldn't go dark so easily.

"That sums up the general mentality of these small-time gang members," Dabi said, "either they are entitled assholes who are overconfident in their quirks or assholes with little brains who know when to stand back and watch the chaos unfold."

Then they all saw the repercussions of defying the Emperor. I sent my guards in and they laid waste to the gangs that insulted me and my offer.

"Well that escalated quickly," Hawks said.

Once again All Might paled. The scene in front of his eyes reminded him of how his archnemesis operated.

It was one thing to reject me but to insult me in the rejection was going too far. As such, those that declined were spared but those that rejected the offer and insulted were gone and removed from the earth.

"That's fair," Himiko said.

"Yeah, no arguments there," Dabi agreed.

"I like the idea of making examples out of them," Compress said in agreement.

"I don't care/no one insults the Emperor and walks away in a one-piece," Twice said.

"Remind me to not pick a fight with that kid," Hawks whispered as placed a reminder on his phone.

The ones that rejected my offer beforehand attempted to change their decision but I rejected them and countered their offer. They were to disband and join the organization as individuals instead of a large group. 

"I don't get it," Mina said, "if he was going to allow them to join anyway then why did he reject them first and make them break from their group?"

"To establish a certain amount of dominance and hierarchy in his organization. To show them that this is not some walking park where you can come and go as you please and also..." Midnight explained, "to separate these idiots who refused a good offer before because of whatever reason and make sure they don't start a rebellion or something." 

Joining as a large group gave the others a bit more responsibilities as they were in charge of different things and co-mingled with the other groups. Joining as an individual that had rejected our offer at the first resulted in them joining as lower-ranked individuals who had to work their way up into the different departments/groups that were set up. 

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now