"At five in the morning."

"Okay. I'll make it to the airport in time. Thank you."


The return flight was even more stressful than the outward flight.

Was that true? She was played. Everything had been manipulated. But by whom? Someone has set Cole up for the murder of Steve and Grace. Why? Was that possible? What kind of a twisted game was that?

She propped her elbows on her legs and cupped her face with her hands, rubbing her eyes.

It wasn't Cole. Cole had not ordered their murder.

But if this would be fantastic news for anyone else, it meant something else to Vanessa. It meant Cole was in on it from the beginning. He was part of this whole mystery. Someone wasn't just playing with her. Someone was playing with both of them.

And he had to know. He had a right to know.

Vanessa had to tell him the truth. But how?


After the plane landed, Vanessa turned her phone on. It had been two days since she left, and as expected, notifications started popping on the screen.

One hundred sixty-four missed calls.

Nine messages.

Vanessa started reading them.

What's going on, Vanessa? Where are you?
Cole Willker

Where are you, Vanessa?
Cole Willker

Turn the damn phone on, Vanessa! Tell me where you are and what's going on!
Cole Willker

Vanessa, I can't stand it anymore! I am furious! Where are you?
Cole Willker

Why did you run away, and what from?
Cole Willker

Did something happen, Vanessa? Tell me you are okay.
Cole Willker

What are you running away from?
Cole Willker

Are you in trouble? Tell me! Don't run away from me!
Cole Willker

The last message was from about an hour ago.

I know you are running away from something. I know you are hiding something. I was ready to help you. Hell, I proved it to you. I risked my life for you. You owed me at least to tell me you are leaving. You are not the girl I thought you were. When you come back. If you ever do... Damn it, Vanessa! Come back.
Cole Willker

That was the truth. Vanessa wiped her eyes. She was not the one he thought she was.

It was all a lie.

It was a lie the lie.

She put the phone back in her pocket and got into a taxi that drove her to the house.

Cole's car was parked outside.

Vanessa opened the house's front door. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Mission: UndercoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon