"Go, Vanessa. You deserve something better. Someone better. I know you'll leave anyway."

There was so much pain in his eyes. And all Vanessa wanted at that moment was to take it away.

"I will, Cole. But before I go, I will stay."

She took him into the bathroom and bandaged his arm.

The tenderness between the two was as solid and searing as the passion was.

While Vanessa went into the guest room to get some of Rebecca's clothes, Cole put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and got out onto the terrace.

After dressing up, Vanessa came to Cole and stood behind him.

"I know, Cole."

"What?" He turned to her.

"I know you'll never hurt me. As ridiculous as it sounds—I trust you with my life. Always remember that."

Vanessa caressed his chest. And smiled. She inhaled his scent as if it was for the last time.

She kissed him. Softly. She was saying goodbye.

Cole caressed her cheek, and both walked out.

Not long after, they entered the house.

Rebecca, Jackson, and Kristen were there. They looked apprehensive.

But suddenly, Rebecca changed her expression to a wide smile and shouted. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"I can explain." Vanessa seemed to want to justify herself.

"No need to explain, Nessa. This dress is mine, and it was in Cole's apartment. Omg, I'm so happy!"

"Keep your emotions down, Becca," Cole told her as he walked past her to go to his mother.

He kissed her cheek.

Unlike Rebecca's cheerful mood, Kristen's was still sad. "You should have told us you were together. We were worried about Nessa."

At that moment, Jackson, who looked even a little angry, went to the kitchen.

Vanessa followed him. "Jacks. It's not what it seems."

"I don't care what it is, Nessa. I don't care about your dramas. I am tired of both of you. You should have called. You just disappeared. We were told that you have left with Danny. But you never came back. And you didn't answer our phone calls. We've been worried about you all night."

"I.. Jackson, I'm sorry. My battery died."

"You have no respect for either of us."

Vanessa looked sad as a result of Jackson's words. She walked down the door, stopping by him. "If only you knew..."

And went back to the living room.

Cole was just saying goodbye to his mother and sister. "Goodbye, Vanessa," he said to her, too, and headed to the front door.

"Cole, wait," Vanessa ran after him. "I didn't."

There was relief in his eyes. "Thank you."

Then he left.

At that time, Jackson was also back in the living room. As Vanessa turned to them, she took a few steps forward.

"My whole life, I was alone. Yes, I had Steve and Grace, but I have never let anyone close to me. Before I met you. You invited me to your home. And showed me what a real family means. I am still learning. To have someone. But even in the moments when I am not doing it right, never doubt that I do respect you. One day maybe you will understand what you mean to me. One day you will understand that I chose you over me."

"What does that mean, Nessa?" Rebecca asked.

Vanessa didn't reply.

Jackson, who felt he had overreacted, approached Vanessa and hugged her. "We will help you. To learn."

"Thank you," she said and immediately started up the stairs.

Rebecca, as expected, followed her.

"You won't get away so easily! Talk to me, Nessa! I want to know all the details! Where is your dress?"

"Parts of it are still on the floor of your brother's living room," Vanessa answered while changing.

"Omg! It was an expensive dress."

"Tell that to your passive-aggressive brother."

"Omg!" Rebecca covered her eyes. "Keep talking!"

"Later, Becks. I want to check up on Danny."

"How is he?"

"Worse than Cole."

"What happened?"

"Cole saw us kissing."


Vanessa ran her fingers through her hair. "Everything was one big mess and happened so fast. Danny came to me and told me that he was in love with me. Cole got angry when he saw us talking and disappeared. When I found him out in the lobby, Andrea was drooling in his mouth. So I ran out, and like in a bad-directed movie scene, I bumped into Danny. I sought comfort in him and hugged him. He kissed me. But Cole was there. And, like I said—a big stupid mess. Everything ended up with your brother beating Danny."

"Well, I'm not saying that because Cole is my brother, but Danny deserved it."

"It's not true. But even if it is, he's my friend. Anyway, see you later."

Vanessa left and went directly to Danny's house.

He invited her in.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"I've been worse. Do you want some lemonade?"

"No, thank you. I won't stay long. I am sorry, Danny!"

"You already said that."

"But I really am. There was something beautiful between us. And I ruined it. Because I let my emotions control me. It has often been happening lately. But that's not me. Or at least I wasn't like that before. I was iron. Rational. With no feelings. And I was controlling my actions and my life. Because here is the result of letting emotions take control. That's why I apologize, Danny. Not because I hurt you. I have already done it anyway because I can't respond to your feelings the way you want. But I am sorry that I used you for consolation when I was down. You don't deserve that."

"I know you don't have feelings for me. I know you love him. Don't be sorry, Nessa. It's okay. Just know: I always will be here for you. You'll have a friend. When he hurts you."

"Thank you."

Vanessa kissed Danny on the cheek and left him to rest.

Although she wasn't sure if she should go there at all, she needed this short conversation. The guilt she felt did not give her peace.

On the way back to the house, her phone rang.

"I am listening, Karevsky."

"I have news."

Vanessa pulled the car off the road.

"About the CD?"

"No. About the shooter."

Karevsky was standing in a dark room in front of a giant screen, on which, on one side, different faces were constantly changing, and on the other side, a photo of a man stood statically, with information about him. "In the last few months, I was developing new software. Sleepless nights were not in vain because I finally got a match in the search, although because of the hood, you know, the face was almost completely covered. But the result is 88% sure. His name is Paul Ward. He grew up on his own, with no relatives and almost no friends. An actor by profession. But he has only taken roles in low-budget and unsuccessful productions. Completely broken. No criminal record, tho. This is the last information before he disappeared a year ago."

"Find him, Karevsky! If this man is alive, he is somewhere."

"I already found him. In a small village in Switzerland. Under the name Eric Gibson."

Vanessa closed her eyes. "Book me a flight ticket to Europe. I am leaving!"

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