Meeting with someone familiar 🌈

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The new day was full of new things and new experience.

Nancy was very excited and was being ready for
her first day at office

She was looking at her reflection on mirror when a pair of hands come around her waist

She smiled and continued looking on mirror admiring her handsome husband's face

I'mma gonna miss u !! - Taehyung said making her grip strong

One day I have to join so why why not today ! - Nancy said and looked at him with a cute giggle

Taehyung pouted

Okkie! I can understand!!- he nodded in agreement

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Okkie! I can understand!!- he nodded in agreement

Thankyou Taehyungiee! - she said

Your welcome most beautiful girl in the whole world - he said and pecked on her cheeks

She blushed

Sir , mam , Mrs Kim has invited both you for breakfast - A maid said smiling and looking down

Both Nancy and Taehyung flinched at sudden ,
Taehyung let her go and stood in side of bed

We will be there soon !- Taehyung said

Let's just go now -nancy said and pat on his shoulder

He follows her with his boxy smile

They have taken their breakfast

And three of them Taehyung, Mr Kim and Nancy were ready to leave for work

Okkie take care ! best of luck - Taehyung hugged her

Okkie take care ! best of luck - Taehyung hugged her

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Best of luck Nancy - Mrs Kim said

Ok mom - she said

You know the office address right Nancy? - Mr Kim asked

Hmm... Dad .. I didn-

Sir there a car come to pickup Nancy mam - the security guard came running to them

Ooh looking like your ride arrived too , best of luck - Mr Kim smiled

Ok bye appa mom bye Taehyungiee - she bowed and sit inside car

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