Chapter 2

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At lunch

Taehyung POV*

I'm waiting for Jin outside of photoshoot place....using my phone

Then I hear car's stoping voice and went there

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Then I hear car's stoping voice and went there... Jin came out from car and asked me when will we leave for lunch

I say to him.. let's go and we leave in our cars to my dad's office...
When we entered there manager park invite us in . We both entered in and jin gave my dad a flower bouquet and he thanked him...he never thanked me... but why him ?? I think myself but show smile on my face..

My dad take me in side and says learn manner from your manager.. I rapidly reply he is not my manager he is my friend.. and went to dinning table..jin was waiting for me there..

He gave me a question look and I just smile to show him it's ok between me and dad...


I know Taehyung is hiding something from me I know him very I decided to talk with him after lunch..
We all taken lunch peacefully.. but in end Taehyung's dad and mom asked Taehyung for marriage... I was totally in shock...

Taehyung POV*

I was peacefully eating my lunch but dad asked me for marriage after hearing this my food stucked in my neck and jin handover me water... I straightly say No.. and leave place..


When Taehyung leave place I also we're going towards our cars in outside... We both leave for our houses..


I am waiting for my sis outside

But she didn't appear yet so I decided to go in

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But she didn't appear yet so I decided to go in

But she didn't appear yet so I decided to go in

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I see my sis coming towards me

I see my sis coming towards me

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I gave her flowers banquet..

I gave her flowers banquet

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And congratulate her... there were many people staring us so I say her to get in car and we leave for home

 there were many people staring us so I say her to get in car and we leave for home

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She grew up so early I think myself and drive

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She grew up so early I think myself and drive .. soon we arrived home

Nancy POV*

I think dad and mom threw party for graduation but there was no one in home I gave hug to my brother and went to my room...still thinking about mom and dad...


I know why is she sad because mom
and dad are not here..but there is surprise so wait my dear sis I think myself...and smile appear on my face

Nancy noticed me but went her room without saying anything

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Nancy noticed me but went her room without saying anything..

Nancy noticed me but went her room without saying anything

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Hoping you like it

Purple you all readers 💜

   " Stay home stay safe"
Sorry if it's short

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