Ch∀pter: I have to leave ;) 💔

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Jin was totally in grief and heart brokenHis eyes was watery and face was red

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Jin was totally in grief and heart broken
His eyes was watery and face was red..he was looking like a lost warrior in battlefield..
He run away from office and get in his car

And locked door , fit his seatbelt , started engine , took hands on staring and look forward

For a moment he stopped and thinks where should he go ?? But in his mind, no places were coming if anything was coming in his mind, was her words , which increased his inside pain

Damn.. it !!! He punch frustratly

Wh..y why had..yo..u done thi..s !! - He hung his head low , his hairs covered his face which hid his sobbing sight

Beep !! Beep !! Car was beeping but
he stayed at this position like helpless...
Until...his phone rang

He glance at his phone which was on next seat - he took phone

He pursed his lips together and gasp for air

I should meet him and told him that it's my day in office...- a tear roll over from his eyes and he sighed

- a tear roll over from his eyes and he sighed

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I have to leave
It'll be go..od both for me an..d he..r

Seeing her with someone again and again I will remember my pain which will I can't en..dure - his voice crack again and again
I wanted that she'll be always happy and if her happiness is only in my leaving, then I will... - He wipe his tears and took a long breath

With destination he kept his step out of the car and walked inside towards the office...

He entered in Jimin's cabin

He entered in Jimin's cabin

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Unwanted MarriageWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt