◾️ 𝐑 𝐎 𝐌 𝐀 𝐍 ◾️

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This woman sure likes to test my fucking patience. Ringing Olga, she answers straight away.

"Tell my fiancé if she doesn't come down and get in this car right now, I will personally come up there and she won't like what's happens." I end the call, knowing Olga will pass on the message.

Sacha smirks at me through the rear view mirror. "Trouble in paradise boss?"

"Zatknís chèrt vòź'mí" (shut the fuck up) I snap back at the idiot.

Scrubbing a hand down my face, I lick my lips as she walks out of her apartment building. She took longer than 2 minutes, and for that she deserves a fucking spanking.
The problem with that is, I have a feeling she'd like it.


I can't help but shake my head as I take her in.
She wears a deep v neck, satin red dress, that displays her perfect perky tits and I don't know if I should bite them or send her back up to change. The dress stops short just above her delicious legs that every man will get a good look at and be imagining the pair wrapped around them. I know this, because I'm thinking it myself.

Jesus, I'm just like another man pining after her.
Fuck me!

But she's mine now, whether I liked it or not. And I'm not so sure I did. She was a fucking distraction. The best and worst kind.
She had a body I wanted to bury myself in and never fucking leave.
I needed to have some self control where this woman was concerned. I had already told myself I wouldn't touch her until the wedding, just to prove to myself I could. But when she's all up in my fucking space....
Looking like that...
Well, my control wants to vanish. She's shook my hardened exterior and made me want her, an impossible feat. This wasn't in my plans. She wasn't in my plans, and yet when I'm alone, the only thing I see is her in my head.

She should run, but I'd catch her. I always catch my fucking prey. I take because I can, because no one can stop me. She's different than 'normal' women I know or have been around. Why does she draw me in? I've been with thousands of women and wanted to keep none. None of them drew me in like she does. She's quicksand, and I'm treading into it quickly. Shes an unknown and unpredictable. She's a puzzle, and the challenge I see in her eyes whenever she's near, excites me. It excites the beast inside. She's a hot-blooded woman, and she needs to be fucked.
And by me.
Only me.

Sacha opens the car door for her and helps her get in comfortably.

"Good evening husband. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." The sarcastic little spitfire says, batting her eyelashes at me.

Levelling her with a flat stare that would wither a person, I say.

"Around me, big mouths are attached to dead bodies."

Sighing, she shakes her golden mane of hair.
"What kind of person goes around threatening people with death?"

I lean forward, giving her a quick unexpected wink.

"The kind who can."

Scoffing, she tries to put some distance between us, but she can only get so far in the vehicle.

"You either have a massive size sense of self importance or your over compensating for something." Looking down towards my crotch and back up to my face, she sends me a unexpected wink, causing me to smirk.

O what fun I'm going to have with you, wife.

Choosing to ignore her for the rest of the drive, because my cock is straining, pressing against this fucking suit, we finally pull up to the restaurant. Olga and Sacha exit the SUV while I take Arianna's hand in mine and lead her into the building, towards the private elevator at the back. Putting my hand across her back, I gently guide her in front of me only to look down and get a view of her juicy ass.
'Blyad' (fuck)

- 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐕𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 -Where stories live. Discover now