Chapter XXI: A Step Forward

Start from the beginning

"Adagio, what kind of business do you have with Rich?" Applejack asks me as she places another box on the truck bed, breaking me from my thoughts. Placing the necklace back in the box, I pick up another piece of jewelry, inspecting it closely.

"He used to be my boss. I just asked him for a favor, that's all," I tell her without taking my eyes away from my box.

"But why would you ask him to help find your stuff...? I mean, how did you know that he had that capability?" she asks me again, almost using an interrogative manner. Taking a deep breath, I put the jewelry down, looking into Applejack's eyes as seriously as I can.

"I can't really talk about that, Applejack. But I can assure you that I'm not doing anything that will get me in trouble." Taking a couple steps away from the truck, I pull out the list of stolen items from my bag, using my pen to mark off the things accounted for. "Hey, girls. This is the complete list of everything Sunset and I lost. Make sure to mark off what you find as we go along, okay?" I tell them before placing the paper and pen on the truck bed, going to grab another box. Rainbow Dash walks over to the list, taking a good look at it before nodding.

"Whatever you say, Dagi~"


I can't help but feel a little anxious... The seconds tick away as it gets closer to night, making me feel a little more antsy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash spent quite a lot of time helping me bring everything back inside, including setting up the TV and buying a new glass top for our coffee table. Now all that's left to do is wait for Sunset... I just hope her reaction is a good one and that this can maybe cheer her up a bit. It should, right...? I promised her I would get our stuff back, so she should be happy to see that, especially after the past couple of days. Perhaps it will even give her some of her hope back. Maybe...

I haven't seen her much since the reunion... Other than when it's time to sleep. Even then, I can tell she's seriously depressed from the way she leaves things around the apartment. She's made it clear that she doesn't want to talk about her friends, making me stop whenever I try to bring them up. She is trying so desperately to smile around me, but it's clear that she doesn't feel good at all. I just wish I could take away the pain from her soul... I am trying my best to fix things with her friends, but the problem is that she's closed herself off from hearing about it. She doesn't talk much and shows little interest in recreational activities, opting to sleep instead. I'm scared for her...

The last time I saw this behavior, it was from... me... Back when life was so hard and dreadful, feeling like living in of itself was torture. I wanted to die back then... I didn't want to live another day, but I was too cowardly to do it myself. My mind practically prayed for something to end me. Anything... I mean, there was no point, right? That's what I believed. Everything ceased to give me a point to continue this existence. That was a feeling I never thought a siren could feel... But I felt it.

Then she came into my life... Still as an enemy, she reached her hand out to give me a chance at life, to find the finer aspects of existence. I practically spit at her offer... I didn't believe she was trustworthy. I think another aspect of it was my mind's disbelief that my life could be better... That disbelief is what made me pull that trigger the first time. Out of pure desperation, I did whatever I could to find happiness, and... I found love. Friendship... I just hope that Sunset doesn't get to that hopeless stage. I'm here for her. I want her to remember that. That she still has a reason to smile and that there are still people who want her here. I'd do anything to make sure she knows that...

Metal sliding against metal can be heard, making me look towards the door. Slowly, it opens, Sunset's fiery-hair being the first thing to be seen. As her body fully enters the apartment, I can't help but notice her dull eyes, her gaze looking over at me with a small smile before she notices something. Her eyes widen upon seeing the television set up and the new glass top to our coffee table. I can almost swear to see the spark in her eyes return, a small gasp emanating from her. "A-Adagio...?" she asks for me weakly, her eyes looking around the room and checking for more of our belongings. One such thing her eyes linger on is her romance movie collection, a bright smile coming to her lips before looking at me with tears forming easily. "D-did you... get our stuff back? All of it?" Her question, as happy as it is, has a tone of disbelief as if Sunset doesn't know if she should believe this.

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