Sam Brench appears after his name is called and he says that he is going to be a baseball player. Others follow him up in a blur.

"Clare Gumie, please come forth to accept your diploma." The principal says.

I see the ginger walk forth, her eyes bloodshot. "I'm going to.. I'm going to open a.. a shop." She says, stuttering and looking utterly uncomfortable.

If I didn't hate her guts and everything else about her, I might have felt sorry that she was making such a fool of herself. Then I realized how horrible that thought was but I still knew how bad that she was, along with her twin.

Thirty students later, another important name to me was called. "Braden Lafé."

The average height, black combed hair, startling blue eyes, a kind smile - that guy walked up the stage. He talked about how he was getting into Harvard University and that he hoped for a bright future. I knew that was where he wanted to get into and I guess I really was happy for him. I knew that we wouldn't get back together, ever. But I thought that maybe someday we could be friends again. That thought turned into hope when Braden turned around and smiled shyly at me.

Three endless names later, my name was called and I heard my dad cheering for me in the audience. I walked onto the stage carefully. "I plan to go on a scholarship to cook at Penn State."

I sit down next to Jack and then he is called. "I plan to run. College wouldn't mean much to me if I wasn't beside the girl I cared about the most, so that is why I am attending Penn State with her."

The crowd bursts into applause and I hear some 'Aws'. We had talked about college a few times last year but I didn't know that he actually put thought into it, the way I did. I was blushing terribly against my will as he takes his seat next to me as Lucy is called up.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Jack.

"We're going to be in college for four years so I decided I could put up with you for that long." He teased, grinning.

I can't help but smile though I still glare at him. I hear Lucy say the college she chose and takes her spot, two seats away from me.

Forty students later and we graduated. Principal Gidly says some stuff but we can't hear him. There are too many caps being thrown into the air and hugs and screams for her to be heard.

I smile brightly with tears in my eyes. I don't know why there are tears in my eyes, I just feel so happy and whole. "Sky!" Jack takes my hand and kisses me passionately, pulling me off the ground.

"I couldn't let you leave. I thought that maybe it was a good idea, being at the same college. But if you don't -" I stopped him with another kiss and told him, "I love that idea, Jack."

"And I love you," he replied, still holding me.

Lucy and Leo came over to us and hugged us. "Remember, over the summer, the seven of us, Jack, Lucy, Julie, Cole, Braden, me, and you - will be traveling together. We're hitting the beach the majority of the time," he told us.

"How was I supposed to remember something I wasn't told?" I squeeze Jack's hand.

"That's what Leo and I were setting up earlier." Jack says, trying to tell me it was okay.

Cole, Dad, and Jack's parents, walked up to us. "Congratulations, everyone." I hear three times.

I've had maybe twenty hugs today and I was really starting to get exhausted after a while.

My dad went home after an hour to check up on some things at home. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson went to talk with some other adults. Lucy and Leo were talking about the future. Leo had found a new job, which was just six miles away from Lucy's school. While Jack had gone off to get food, I stood in the corner, thinking happily to myself.

Someone I knew I would have to talk to came to me first, tapping my shoulder. "Scylla, hey."

"Hi, Braden," I said, not sure at all what would happen in this conversation.

"Congrats on getting into Penn," he finally said.

"Thanks. You got your dream college, too, which is awesome." I say, thankful that the conversation is so far flowing smoothly.

"Yeah. I just need to say this.. Thank you."

I blink. "You're thanking me? For what?" I broke up with you because you were trying to fight my best friend; what the hell are you thanking me for? That's what actually I thought instead.

"My head wasn't cleared and what you did a bit over a month ago definitely cleared it. I was confused about you, Jack, my family, and college. And I know these are just excused and excuses are never a good thing. But -" He stopped himself. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling."

I smiled. "No, by all means, keep going. You're doing great."

He looked up at me shyly. "Really, I'm sorry. Not just about that. About the way I acted. I was so confused and everything was acting as if my luck was decreasing and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do anything. I know I shouldn't make excuses and it's wrong. I am truly sorry, Scylla. I only hope we can be be friends again, at the least."

I honestly had absolutely no idea how to reply to that. I am not used to people apologizing to me. The only person who has made an apology like this was Jack. Braden... Made me think of what Lucy had said weeks ago. "I never said I didn't think you two shouldn't be together. You're building each other. But you're not right for each other."

I hadn't believed her then. But now it makes sense. I built up Braden's courage, instead of him just being brains. And he helped me learn to use my intelligence for better, instead of seeing red. Talking to him now made me realize that it really would never have worked between us. I think I'm in love with Jack again. . . If I ever stopped being.

After not replying to him, Braden kept talking. He said, "I guess you already heard about the camping trip, that I was going."

"Yes, I did hear that. I was surprised, to say the least."

"So about the whole being friends thing.. If you don't think that will work, I won't go on the vacation/traveling trip."

"Well, how else would the friendship gig work if we didn't spend a little time together? I think the trip is a good idea," I said honestly.

"You mean that, really?" He asks curiously.

"I do. I was definitely rash when we broke up. Just because of breaking up a relationship, it doesn't mean a friendship should break up." I gave him a small, friendly hug.

"That's... amazing of you. Thanks," He said, in shock.

"I've got to go catch someone. See you later," I said to Braden, before disappearing to find Jack.

I went outside the school and saw him just standing, looking around casually. I tapped him on the shoulder. At first, he didn't know who it was and frowned when someone touched him. As recognition and a small smile spread across his face, and just before he could say anything, I pressed my lips against his, showing him how I felt.

That was all that mattered. Me and him. Him and me.

Best FriendsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant