Chapter XX: Still More Work to Do

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"Thank you, Rich. This... really means a lot to me," I say quietly in the most genuine tone I've used around him before. It really is a big deal that he was able to help me with this. I wouldn't have been able to find our stuff by myself. Not to mention the fact that I was so angry that day I probably would have hurt the person who stole our stuff.

"It will arrive at my house tomorrow morning. You can come collect it and see if any of your items are missing." Rich seemingly stops himself mid sentence, leaving a long pause in the air. "Just don't forget your end of the bargain, Dazzle~"

"You know I won't," I whisper into the microphone, trying to make sure none of my words are heard by the two girls behind me. Within a moment, the call ends with a tone indicating he hung up. He doesn't have to remind me every single time we talk... It's like he expects me to forget the deal we made when I've clearly shown I hold up my promises. I just hope he legitimately got everything back... If one thing is missing, I'll have to talk to him... Turning around, I look at Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie with a smile, approaching them quickly. "I agree with what you said, Pinkie. It'll be a bit difficult to make things right again without waiting for some of the emotions to die down. Fortunately, I was just given an opportunity that I think will help me get through to Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie's eyebrow raises, leaning forward to hear me better.

"Okay? What is it?"

"I can't quite tell you that just yet... But trust me. I can talk to Dash tomorrow. I will just need the help of Applejack."

Fluttershy perks up after hearing my words, bringing a finger to her chin. "And I can try to talk to Rarity while you do that~ Maybe we can get the two of them to talk to each other tomorrow as well~"

"I wouldn't advise it," I say quietly, looking away from the two. "Rainbow Dash will only believe that I'm actually trying to make things right instead of just ganging up on her if I give her a bit of space. Which means we will have to wait until the day after tomorrow to introduce the two of them again."

"I can go with Fluttershy..." Pinkie Pie slowly pulls a purple balloon out of her pocket, blowing it up within a few seconds. Using a sharpie she pulls out of her hair, she draws a face on the balloon, resembling Twilight. How did she hide that sharpie in her hair...? Especially when it's flat like this? "But that still leaves the question about Twily and all. What will we do about her?" That... is a valid question.

"Sunset looked like she was going to talk to her, right?" Fluttershy asks the two of us, her eyes switching between us.

"Yes, but knowing how hard it's been for her, I'm not sure if she got through to Twilight," I whisper in response, rubbing my arm slowly. "Let's just say Sunset and I have had... a couple fights recently. She's also been having a really hard time at work and she was counting on this reunion to make things right between everyone. But now that things have kinda gotten worse, I'm afraid she might be closing herself off."

"Sunset? Closing herself off?" Fluttershy's eyes widen in surprise, staring into my own eyes with concern. "What makes you think she will do that?"

A nervous grin comes to my face, bringing my hand to my scarf to feel its soft fabric. The truth is that I'm scared for her... Ever since I saw her try to hurt herself, I can't help but worry about her every time something bad happens. With everything going to shit like this, I don't know how she's going to handle it. If she ends up hurting herself again, I don't know if I will be able to forgive myself... Especially since it feels like most of this is my fault. I should have paid more attention to Rarity and Rainbow Dash. I shouldn't have blown up at Twilight and I should have helped Apple Bloom. It's like all of this is my fault, but I know that technically isn't true. I just need to remember that I'm doing my best. Right...? "Well, combined with all the stress of her internship, school, the lack of her friends in her life, the couple of arguments we've had and the recent break-in, I can't help but think she's going to close herself off from mostly everyone. That's my first priority. I'm going to try to talk to Sunset when I get home today and we can work on everyone else in the following days."

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