Forgiving (young sub shanks)

Start from the beginning

"Go lock the door then" he turned around and did as told without fuss. I took that time to move to the edge of my bed with my blanket over my lap to hide that I didn't have pants on. He turned around with his head still down and walked back to his spot a little closer to me.

"Look at me shanks" he slowly moved his head up to look at my eyes before he moved them to another part of my face.

"Forgive me please, ill do anything you want me to do" I smirked at him, this was my chance to finally have my fun with him.

"Anything hmmmm..." I leaned back on my hands as I watched him nod.

"Take off your clothes" his face could rival his hair as his eyes went wide and he froze.


"You said you'd do anything for my forgiveness, so, take, off, your, clothes" with shaky hands, off came his hat that fell to the floor. His eyes finding the floor very interesting as he pulled his shirt over his head showing his light abbs forming from being made to fight more. He slid out of his sandals as his hands stopped on the hem of his pants. He slowly pulled them down showing his boxers as he kicked them off. He had a nice bulge there, I wonder if he has a big dick or just big balls with that. He stood there with his hands crossed above his privates.

"All of it shanks" I said in a stern voice making him close his eyes and shiver a little. With his eyes still closed he pulled his boxers down and kicked them to the side.

"What do we have here, is someone getting excited" I teased seeing that he was starting to get an erection. He swallowed as his face seemed to get redder as he tried to hide it from me.

"On your knees infront of me" he looked down and slowly did as I told him too.

"Look at me shanks" slowly he moved his head up and looked in my eyes with a begging look.

"Play with yourself" his eyes got a little wider.

"Go on.....I guess I should give you some inspiration" I said as I pulled my shirt and bra off and leaned back. His mouth gapped a little as he went to reach for my one boob.

"On your knees and play with yourself, no touching me" I said in a stern voice making him flinch a little as he sat back on his heals and slowly started to pump himself. I watched as his eyes trailed over my exposed skin with him bitting his lip.

"I hope you're not trying to hold back your sounds, ill be very disappointed if you are, and we don't want that" he swallowed as his lip slid out from between his teeth and light pants left his mouth. He grew a bit more in his hand as he kept up his slow strokes. As I kept watching his hand pump his shaft I started to get aroused.

"Oh my, it really is hot in here" I rolled my head and hummed as I pulled the blanket off my lap showing my exposed legs. I heard him gasp as his panting started to get harder and when I looked down his hand was going faster.

"Ever seen a woman's pussy before shanks" he shook his head no as his eyes stayed on my hips.

I leaned forward and put my finger under his chin and tilted his head up to look at me.

"I need words little apprentice" he closed his eyes and gulped before opening his eyes again.

"N-no" his voice cracked a little as he stuttered making me smirk as he scowled because of it.

"Well, lucky for you, you get a front row seat to a very nice show" I leaned back and slowly spread my legs open drifting my fingers down my body. His eyes followed my finger down to my heat as I started to rub my clit and play with my folds. His breathing was getting harder as he started to groan watching me play with myself.

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