This Pain (Black Veil Brides/Andy Biersack fanfiction)

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  • Dedicated to Andy Biersack and Black Veil Brides

I walked into school, aka, the hell house, and walked to my locker. I got out my book and walked off to homeroom.

 "EMO!" this dumb ass guy called to me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the classroom.  I sat down and we listened to the morning announcements and the teacher took attendance. After homeroom, I had science, which the only thing I liked about it was that my girlfriend, Scout, and my other friend, Matt, were in my class.

 I walked in the room with all my science stuff.

 "ANDEH!" Matt yelled as I walked towards him.

 "MATTEH!" I cheered back. We talked for about a minute, and then Scout walked in.

 "SCOUTEH!" Matt called out. Scout smiled and walked towards us.

  "Ello Matteh and Andeh! How are yah?" she said in a funny, cute voice. I hugged her and we talked for a few minutes and then the teacher took attendance.

 "Andy Biersack?"

"Here" I replied.

 More names....

 "Scout Cumpton?"

 "Here," Scout said.

 More names.....

 "Matt Good?"

 "HERE YAH AND DOIN FLYY"  Matt called back. Matt was the funniest person I know. Everyone bursts out laughing. Everyone liked Matt, but everyone hated me.

 Science class went on and on.

 Then I had English, and then lunch.

 At my lunch table there's Matt, Scout, Bri, Jake, Christian, Christina, and I.

 It was the 11th, and I had been dating Scout for a few years  now. I was looking to start a band, but never really asked anyone to be in a band. Christian was a drummer, and Jake was a guitar player. Christian was already in a band, and I didn't really talk to him that much. Jake on the other hand, was quite and never really talked that much, and when he did it was about guitars. I looked around and ate my lunch.

"ANDEH! WHY YOU BEEZ SO QUITE!!?" Matt yelled and threw a piece of mango in his mouth. I laughed.

 "Because, Matteh, I am not in a very good mood!" I said, and took a sip of my Gatorade.

 "HATERS!?" Matt screamed and did a little dance. Christian joined in.


 "Since when did ducks suck!? I personally, find ducks very attractive!" I joked. Everyone laughed. Matt and Christian went on with their dancing. Scout was talking to Bri, and I talked to Jake most of the time.

 "I want to go home so bad," I muttered.

 "What happened?"

 "Those fucking faggots over there have been pointing and laughing at me all damn day!" I said and flipped the hair out of my eyes.

 "Screw them!" he exclaimed. Jake stuck up both his middle fingers to them. I laughed. 

 I was so done with these bitches at school. Its fucking depressing.

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