Andy: You were never absent in my life. But I confess that I want to receive my reward, especially if it includes a few days of lots of kissing and something else.

Andy said seductively.

Robert: Don't ask me this while I'm so far away. My desire to kiss you and to have you with me is only increasing.

Andy: I'll count the days to your arrival.

Robert was at the station and needed to get back to work.

Robert: I need to hang up. I love you.

Andy: I ​​love you more.

A few days passed and Pruit had been undergoing chemotherapy for 10 days. It was painful for Andy to see her father having so many side effects. He always came home pretending to be okay, but Andy knew he wasn't. He suffered hiding in his room and wasn't allowing anyone to visit him except Ryan.

That day, Andy was on a call and Ryan, knowing that Andy would be at work 24 hours a day, decided to visit Pruit and see if he needed any help.

When Ryan arrived at the house, he called a few times, but no answer. He was worried as he had seen from his house that Pruit had already returned from chemotherapy.

Then Ryan entered the house with the copy of the key Andy had given him. Upon entering, he saw that Pruit was lying on the floor, with chest pains. He ran to Pruit and, seeing the gravity of the situation, decided:

Ryan: We're going to the hospital now.

Struggling to speak, Pruit was still being stubborn.

Pruit: I don't want to go to the hospital. I'm not going to stay in the hospital again and I don't even want Andy to know what's going on. She already has too much to worry about.

Ryan: Exactly because Andy already has a lot to worry about that I'll take you to the hospital myself and we won't have an argument.

Ryan put Pruit in the car and hurriedly drove to the hospital.

At that same moment, Andy was finishing a difficult calling. She and Ben were rescuing a patient and taking him to Grey Sloan. They announced the case to the resident doctor who was in the Emergency Room and waited outside the hospital until the stretcher 19 was returned so they could return to the station.

As she waited, Andy noticed a car approaching at high speed. It was a car she knew very well. It was Ryan's car.

Ryan stopped the car and started yelling:

Ryan: Help. Help. Man having a heart attack.

As fast as Ryan had driven, it wasn't enough. Pruit had started having a heart attack when they were close to the hospital.

Ryan leaned back in the car seat and began giving Pruit a heart massage.

Andy and Ben realized what was happening and ran to help him, but at no point did Andy imagine that it was her father who was in the car with Ryan. When she saw him, she froze. She couldn't move and it felt like the world was collapsing around her. Her breathing quickened and she couldn't hear anything else. It was as if her soul had left her body.

Ben: Andy... Andy... Listen to me... Let's get out of here... you need to sit down.

Ben tried to communicate with her, but it was like she wasn't there. Then he forcibly removed her and carried her into the ambulance.

Quickly, Grey Sloan's doctors had already taken control of the situation and managed to revive Pruit. They rushed Pruit into the hospital to have him checked out.

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