Chapter 21: Confidence Thrives on Honesty

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Sorry for the wait kept going back and forth on this chapter. But now I like it. 


Although I didn't see Porter for the rest of school, my day wasn't all that great. I had forgotten Porter and I were arguing in the school building. And a few teachers were in the offices near by. So by the time 5th period came, Ms. Floyd was shooting daggers at me all throughout class. If looks could kill, I'd be buried 6 ft. under. 

Thanks a lot Porter. 

After my last class, I made a rush for the door. As I head to my locker to grab my stuff, the school intercom comes on. 

"Will Ms. Argent please report to the office? Ms. Argent, please report to the office." 


Heading to the office, I let the others know I'm running late. I ask Michael to pick Sarah up on his way home. Luckily we all have the day off from work. 

I enter the office to see a few people standing behind the counter. "Hey Lucinda."

"Emma, sweetheart. You came just in time, Principal Hays wants to see you." She smiles. 

"Me? What did I do?" I ask. 

"Nothing bad." A voice replies behind me. I turn around to see a forty-ish looking man. Quite a fit middle-aged man if you ask me. And by his scent, I know he's a werewolf. 

"I've just been meaning to meet the infamous Emma Argent." He smiles proudly. 

"Infamous? I haven't been here that long to be considered infamous sir, but it's nice to finally meet you. Ms. Lucinda speaks highly of you."

We both turn towards her just as she blushes. "I . . . I . . I've said no such thing!"

"But you were just telling me how much this school had improved since Mr. Hays was appointed principal." The man himself begins to laugh aloud at my statement. I've never seen Lucinda turn so red before. 

"Never thought I was still so admired Lucy." He winks at her and begins walking towards her. Good thing too, I don't like straining my neck when whipping it back and forth. 

"Oh shut up Derek. You're lucky we're still at school!" She points at his chest. 

"Like that's ever stopped us before." Hays wiggles his eyebrows and wraps his arms around her waist, causing Lucinda to blush even more. Now this is getting uncomfortable. 

"Um . . . Is there something I'm missing?" I scratch the back of my neck. I pretty much know what's happening, but I don't know what else to say.

"Oh, Emma. I forgot you were standing right there." She says. 

"I hope that hasn't happened before with other students." Mr. Hays couldn't help but bellow out a laugh. 

"You don't know how many times I've caught her checking me out while I talk to parents and teachers  in front of her." He admits causing Lucinda to smack him in the arm. That makes me laugh. 

"So I'm guessing you two are mates than?" I smirk. 

"Happily have been for 25 years." Mr. Hays says with pride as he holds Lucinda closer. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Ugh, you two." Lucinda huffs. "I still can't believe you blurted that out Emma. I thought we were friends." She playfully glares. 

"It's like my grandma would say, 'Confidence thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, and on unselfish performance. Without them, it cannot live.' But I think she got that from someone else." I chuckle. (*Quote is by Franklin D. Roosevelt*) 

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